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Larix kaempferi 'Stiff Weeping'

Larix kaempferi 'Stiff Weeping'

Larix kaempferi 'Stiff Weeping' starting to turn its autumn colours in early November.

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How unusual, how big will it get?

8 Nov, 2008


Dawnsaunt - Most of the new growth comes from the ends of the main branches which as you can see cascade down to the ground, so the new shoots end up growing horizontally along the ground, I cut these off every year. Puts on little or no height.

8 Nov, 2008


Oh, I see, thanks for the explanation. Dawn

8 Nov, 2008


This, to me, looks like someething out of Dr Who or suchlike, but I can't help keep looking at it - it's fascinating, and, I really like it.

8 Nov, 2008


Well, funny you should say that David .... dont mean to be rude Bluespruce but it reminds me of "IT" from the Adams Family, lol. But much more beautiful of course ;-)

9 Nov, 2008


So if you wanted a taller specimen you would have to use a larger standard. I'm assuming its a broom graft onto a rootstock, would it be another larch? the spreading habit could be a really interesting feature on a hillside, perhaps?

23 Nov, 2008


Lori - Yes if you wanted a taller specimen it would be better to graft onto a taller compatible rootstock (larch), not sure how effective allowing the horizontal growth to develop would be.

23 Nov, 2008

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