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Welsh clouds over Arizona?

Welsh clouds over Arizona?

You will have to read Hywel's picture titled Clearing skies to understand this picture. Hywel, we have not had a single cloud in the sky since October 11. I joked with you about air mailing me some of your clouds and this is a picture of our sky as of 12:30 pm.....How did you get them here so airmail doesn't work this fast...I am now patiently awaiting the Welsh rain to go with these clouds...

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Wales is nearer to you than some other parts of Britain.
Hywel is very quick with his messaging !
Great photo Skippy :o)

9 Nov, 2008


Brilliant pic isnt Hywel quick.

9 Nov, 2008


That was quick, I don't believe in hanging about. lol
We've had horrendous weather today. I'm sure you wouldn't want it, but I'd be glad to get rid of it.

9 Nov, 2008



9 Nov, 2008


I think the moisture dropped before it got far nothing in the line of moisture....oh,well...I think you got it all...

9 Nov, 2008


Yes and we're still having it too.

9 Nov, 2008


Torrential rain here ~
and my dogs have just asked to go outside.
We're all drying off now. :o)

9 Nov, 2008


still no rain but still have the clouds...not cold; however, 66 degrees (F)
My sister just called and told me it was raining in Phoenix...(they are 4 hours west of me) Approx 225 miles....still some hope, I guess..

9 Nov, 2008


You definately wouldn't want this we're having .
I don't want it either.
I hope you do get some rain though. I like a shower of rain after hot weather. It freshens the place up,

9 Nov, 2008


15:45...clouds no rain...

9 Nov, 2008


So hard to comprehend size of some of your States - your sister 4hrs away but still in same State you d drive through most if not all of England in 4 hours.

10 Nov, 2008


Really? I had no idea. I have no idea how large England is by looking at it in my atlas. I can't imagine being able to see all of England in a day's time of driving. Of course you would want to stop here and there to see the sights.

BTW - we got about 2 minutes of rain yesterday but the wind blew very strongly and my poor trees were very distrssed. This morning they look fine. I read Hywel's blog but felt so sorry about what you all were going through, I just shut my mouth and left my computer. I decided to draw for a while.....

10 Nov, 2008


Skippy ~
You don't have to travel many miles in Britain to come across a wide variety of regional accents. You would be amazed how just a few miles up the motorway everyone is talking differently to the folk you left behind half an hour ago. I guess you would be fascinated by the quaint old villages and ancient buildings. Sometimes travellers are lucky and visit when the weather is good. It doesn't rain all the time. Lol :o)

10 Nov, 2008


Oh you wouldnt see it all in a day Skippy ! makes me smile when your compatriots visit and say 'we did Scotland yesterday' as if you could drive round any country and see all the sights in a day.They usually mean we visited Edinburgh the capital.

Just giving a distance comparison.Oh how you restrain yourselves to 55mph on miles of empty road in a huge car with V8 engine is beyond me !

ps you had any signs of Hurricane Hywel yet ?

10 Nov, 2008


LOL I'd like to have a hurricane named after me .
( but I think you'd have to call it ' Corwynt Hywel' lol )

10 Nov, 2008


Most of our freeways have speed limits of 75 mph. Some are 65 but not many are less than that. You can usually push it up 5 mph beyond that and not be stopped for speeding and then only if there's someone around to catch you.

Even the open road to my little town is 65 mph. In town it is 25 mph which is quite slow but you get used to it. "White knuckle highway" 10 miles up the mountain from me has a 15 mph speed limit. If you travel it once, you will know why. There are 447 hairpin curves and nothing between you and the drop off the side. (no guard rails) It is called the "loneliest highway in America". No semi trucks or motorhomes (over 40 feet long) are permitted on it because they would not be able to negotiate the curves. We get lots of motorcyclists who enjoy the trip up and down it.

I agree that you can't know a country without giving it adequate time and bother to visit the smaller communities. In fact the smaller communities are more indicative of everyday life. The larger cities across the globe are so commercialized and geared to the tourists that visit.

Each state in the US has things to see and do that are different from the next state. Arizona's biggest attraction is the Grand Canyon but there are other things as well. We really are not a highly populated state and most of that population lives in Phoenix.

The eastern states and California are more heavily populated.

Hywel, I don't understand the "Corwynt" part. Explain, please.


10 Nov, 2008


Corwynt is the Welsh word for hurricane Skippy.

10 Nov, 2008


Oop! Should have guessed that one..

10 Nov, 2008


Thanks Skippy that road sounds fantastic guess youd have to ensure plenty of fuel - gas before heading out on it .Think we can have some pics next time ? sure the views would be brilliant.Still think hurricane hywel has a better ring to it .Thanks for input skippy Hywel was really worried about the storm last night and your chat from Arizona really helped .

10 Nov, 2008



10 Nov, 2008


Actually, BB, the road is only about 75 miles long, gas is not a problem at all. It's only a hazardous road if you let your attention stray for any length of time (like maybe 3 seconds) That's why it is referred to as "white knuckle Highway (The official name is highway 191) Takes a couple of hours to accomnplish the first 50 miles because of all the curves. Some local guy on a motorcycle went over the edge about 4 weeks ago. It took them a couple of days to find him.

It is a beautiful drive. All my pictures of it are with my son. My computer crashed in March and I handed it over to my son. He's the computer genius. (He has a degree in Computer Forensics (one of those guys that can find information on your computer when you think you have carefully wiped away all traces) He will retrieve my pictures and put them on DVD. He works more hours than any human being should ever work in a week so my project has not been touched yet.

Quite difficult to get away to take pictures when you are caring for a 91 year old mother 24/7. My sisters and I are taking my Mom to a concert this weekend in New Mexico. A place about 5 hours north east of here. We have to go up the mountain. I will try to get pictures then. There are several places that have been designed for cars to park so a person can get pictures.


10 Nov, 2008


Would be cool whenever you get a chance always great to see not just gardens but the location they are in. Dont go racing up that road to provide pictures will you ? any time is fine.

You should be getting some rain real soon as we Brits have been trying our best to shift it .Thanks so much for info real interesting .

10 Nov, 2008


Skippy, I "did" that highway over 25 years ago, in my carefree, youthful, singles days! Many thanks for the memories! God Bess you and your Mum! X

10 Nov, 2008

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