Last moments before they were all bundled into their "cages" to be taken back to Rome after our lovely long summer in the hills ...
By Terry60

10 Nov, 2008
Comments on this photo
Blimey TT - I don't know about entertaining, it was nerve wracking !! You've no idea how difficult it is to catch a scuttling cat who has no intentions of being caught! Our downstairs has no doors (except for the loo) so they literally had us going round round in circles and up and down the stairs - - - in the end we bribed a few of the local kids to stand guard in strategic parts of the house - coupled with the fact that they're a lot more nimble that us !!
10 Nov, 2008
Yes ~ as I thought.
These would have been very entertaining photos.
How could you deny GoY the pleasure of these ?
Perhaps next year. :o)
10 Nov, 2008
its a nightmare to catch Dora for a "cage" ride... she hates it with all her heart, maybe some stressing memories from her flights...
i cant imagine myself trying to catch more than one in the same day!!!!!
10 Nov, 2008 traumatic.(for you, Terry, and for G & R) poor kitties. Did they talk to you all the way home? my old Barney never said much but K.C. made a noise like "Mommmmm?" Mommmm?" kind of like meowing with his mouth shut... my cousin's cat says " heh woe? heh woe?" but what is more amazing is that when they are finally freed and back in familiar surroundings they act like nothing happened..."me upset?" surely you jest!?"...I'm sooo cool....never get upset....never...never...(wellll, hardly ever!)"
13 Nov, 2008
What a journey !! - we had two "cages" one with Giorgio and Lupa and the other with Giove (Jove) and June. Giove does NOT travel well - he hates being in the car and moaned for the whole of the hour's trip to Rome. Owww Owww Owwwwww all the way home - then he starts to pant with his tongue hanging out and that's when you know you have to stop the car and console him that we are not taking him to the knacker's yard!!
Once we get home, like you said Lori, all four bound out of their cages and miracously carry on as if they'd never left the flat 4 months earlier ....
13 Nov, 2008
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I bet the photos of your trying to put them in their "cages" would have been quite entertaining. Lol :o)
10 Nov, 2008