Coffee/mud area...
By Catfinch

16 Nov, 2008
Here is where you come in and help yourself to the mud... :) if you want a latte or cappuchino etc...the red machine on the other side of the counter is what I would use to make it for you. I use only locally roasted whole beans Mud Cat's own blend developed by myself and my roaster over 10 years ago.
Comments on this photo
I would love to have you...I have people from all over the world come through here. Many are return visitors who remember me and say they were anxious to come in again because they enjoy my shop so much..I don't allow anything too serious in my and encouragement...that is pretty much what I look for when I buy. The little sign by the scare crow that is falling over says..
"Good Things Will Happen"
16 Nov, 2008
That's nice. There's enough doom and gloom about.
No wonder people remember you. :o)
16 Nov, 2008
This looks a very inviting and welcoming place.
No wonder visitors return again and again :o)
16 Nov, 2008
Thanks all on the is a sweet shop..I enjoy being there for the most part and the people who shop there are lovely as well...just need more of them right now....
17 Nov, 2008
Ooh, I would love to have one of your coffees Cat Mochachino please!!
17 Nov, 2008
We have a "Mud Cat Mocha" my own recipe developed over 8 years ago is on the is our signature drink and is known far and wide.
17 Nov, 2008
Wowee....I'll have one of those Cat great, and while you're dealing in mud , sling some Gardeningfriends way! lol
17 Nov, 2008
Not hard to do is it...LOL...adore that GF...he just rocks my world...!
17 Nov, 2008
Could I have a cup of tea please? Well, I AM English! :-D
17 Nov, 2008
Yes in deed...Black, Green, Chai, Earl Grey...Chamomille, Peppermint...iced? Whats your pleasure?
17 Nov, 2008
17 Nov, 2008
With semi-skimmed. And sugar.
17 Nov, 2008
Not Tetly .. Bigalow I think...can do the the semi skinned and sugar though...i like mine with cream & sugar..cannot drink it straight like my daughter....ugh...
18 Nov, 2008
Not familier with Bigalow - but will try (almost**) anything once, so you're on!
(**draw the line at witchetty grubs - ugh!)
18 Nov, 2008
Does that sign say "Muffins and scones" ~
Do you provide English West Country cream teas ???
~ scones, clotted cream, jam (jelly) and tea in a tea-pot with skimmed milk, please. :o)
18 Nov, 2008
18 Nov, 2008
I just knew Sid would like clotted cream teas. :o)
18 Nov, 2008
What is clotted cream?
18 Nov, 2008
A thick cream with a yellowish crust, made in Devon and Cornwall.
From cows, not an artificial cream.
It's delicious ! :o)
18 Nov, 2008
I will look for it and ask for Trader Joes to look into getting some of that in their store...they carrry foods from all over the is one of my favorite stores to shop at...I will be there today as I wll be spending my whole day on the mainland doing some shopping for Mud's coffee and baked good's section. If I can't find it, I suppose I will have to make a trip to England when I can afford it to see what you are talking about.... I pretty much knew it was from cows TT...LOL...
18 Nov, 2008
The reason I mentioned the cows is that it is usually eaten 'fresh'.
Not a synthetic cream.
Could have been from goats. Lol
18 Nov, 2008
It sounds so good TT...I like some things goat as well...feta is one that I like on salads etc. We have a xtra very heavy cream that I love to put in my own coffee if I use cream...I drink it straight and black most often...but love my tea milky and sweet.
As in synthetic do you mean like the tubs that are frozen or the presurred cans...I am afraid I am guilty to giving in to them rather than whipping up fresh whip cream a lot...your clotted cream sounds like it is very it sweet?
18 Nov, 2008
The perfect cream tea: - scones still slightly warm from the oven, cut in half, THICK layer of clotted cream (you spread this stuff with a knife, Cat, it's THAT THICK!!), lashings of strawberry jam on top (some people will tell you it's jam first then cream, but I find that a bit messy), and tea out of a nice bonechina tea service, eaten in a garden, surrounded by flowers and with a nice big sun shade overhead. Oh, and the sun shining of course! Best eaten in Cornwall. How's that sound TT? ;-)
Cat - I'm afraid you wont be able to sell it in your shop unless you can find a local dairy farmer that will make it for you - it's eaten fresh you see and the best is made from the milk of cows that have a high buttermilk content.
18 Nov, 2008
Sid ~
That's a perfect description of a perfect cream tea. :o)
When Catfinch comes to England we'll take her to that garden with the sun shade and flowers. :o)
18 Nov, 2008
It's a deal ;-)
18 Nov, 2008
And I would love to go with you there more than you can possilby know...wonderful thought.
18 Nov, 2008
~maybe we should be coming to see you Catfinch~the weather would probably be better your side of the pond!
Your shop looks great and I am sure we would all be thrilled to visit~charter a 747 we'll all come!~wouldnt that be nice!
18 Nov, 2008
Arlene...have you not read my blog? The weather right now is not at it's best although I have seen it snow yet. Doing good that way. But of course you would all be welcome and I have a spare room...LOL not sure now many Goy"ers would fit but we could put as many as we could fit in there. Oh and I could fit quite a few in my room too, I have a small camping trailer as well and then there is the canopied bed of my truck Sugar Cup. She would love to have visiters over night.
19 Nov, 2008
Oh an English Tea... I am growing so nostalgic. To have a decent Tea here you have to make it yourself. Over the years we have developed our own favorite recipes and now often have homemade scones with a style of cream similar to Devon Cream.
Cat, your little coffee bar sounds like it would be a big hit with my family. We order an aged Sumatra Mandeling, from a supplier in California and then roast it ourselves twice a week. Not only is it so much fresher but it even works out cheaper then buying reg coffee.
Good Tea and Coffee are very important to this crowd!
19 Nov, 2008
Amen to that, Wohlibuli!
Cat - I expect you could fit in quite a lot of us if we sleep head to toe like sardines. I'd be happy to share with Flash if that helps.....Please could you set a date so that we can all organise babysitters for our plants?
19 Nov, 2008
February before the spring hits and we all have to be at work in our will be getting nicer here then...not so many icy cold storms...spring will be threatening...would be the best time I think. You all can shoose the exat date..I vote for Valentine day...a time of love ...would be appropiate I do believe.
19 Nov, 2008
~i wasn't meaning right now Catfinch you sound as though you have your hands full as it is~ although anytime would be nice ! I can work in the shop and water your plants! if you receive a 5'2'' parcel weighing about 135 lbs open with care!
19 Nov, 2008
O-Boy!!!! I will be looking for it...and I will be very careful...have you been a Barista before? If not, I do train.... ^..^ ~Cat
19 Nov, 2008
Your shop and coffee bar look very welcoming and homely...I love places like that as it puts you at your ease right away...and combined with the view it must be a must visit for return customers. Lovely :)
27 Sep, 2010
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I'd love to visit your shop. It seems very friendly.
16 Nov, 2008