Climing Fuchsia
By Milky
- 20 Nov, 2008
still climbing...until this weekend maybe if the weather forecast is right
Comments on this photo
Beautiful Fuchsia ,do you have a name for this Milky ?
20 Nov, 2008
Its called Lady botheby or boothby I think it came onto the market either last year or the one before and it can make 6ft easily in a season
20 Nov, 2008
Never seen those before either. Very pretty.
3 Dec, 2008
They are Gillian, very very deep mauve, that its almost a midnight blue/black....last nights frost still hasnt claimed it
3 Dec, 2008
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Fuchsia Magellanica 'Versicolor'
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Wow! this is Lovely Milky iv never Heard Of/Seen A Climbing Fuchsia :)
20 Nov, 2008