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Mahonia 2


By Andrewr

Mahonia 2 (Mahonia)

Comments on this photo


That is very beautiful. :o)
How long will it stay in flower ?

29 Nov, 2008


Probably till late February/early March

29 Nov, 2008


Just confirming ~ Mahonia charity ???

29 Nov, 2008


wonderful plant, great job Andrew

29 Nov, 2008


TT - it came without a label but I'm inclined to think it is 'Charity'

29 Nov, 2008


Thank you. :o)

29 Nov, 2008


Mahonia is native to this area. There are three kinds; Tall, creeping and one commonly known as Oregon Grape. However, they flower in the spring around May and by summer have small blue berries with a whitish bloom. Rather like what we call blueberries.
This one looks like it would be a cultivar of the Tall Mahonia. The First Nations people used to use the bright yellow wood to make yellow dye. The flowers in the native species smell lovely. Are those flowers fragrant Andrew?

30 Nov, 2008


The Orgeon Grape is mahonia aquifolium (which also suckers)
M.'Charity' is a cultivar of M.x media, a cross of M.lomariifolia, a slightly tender upright variety, and M.japonica which is more bushy and tough as old boots.
And yes, this one is is very fragrant

30 Nov, 2008


Useful information.
Thanks to both :o)

30 Nov, 2008


Thats beautiful Andrew

1 Dec, 2008


It looks fabulous Andrew!! :o)

2 Dec, 2008


Andrew, when did this bloom? I also have a huge variety that blooms in Januray. I have a brain clot at the moment and cannot remember its name. It looks much like yours. but I think the flowers are more erect. It is very close.

There are many new Mahonia out in the market and some of these like "Charity" are well worth buying. A ten in my book. Great foliage, Great flowers. Flowers at an odd time of the year.

When mine blooms I will take a shot and upload it.

3 Dec, 2008


Must get myself one of these again, I had one at a previous home. This year, the ones I've seen around look particularly good.

3 Dec, 2008


Skyline - it's in full flower now despite some cold (for us) weather

3 Dec, 2008


Great photo . I have several that have finished and others coming in right now . Are there any other mahonias near that one ? I like growing them from seed .

4 Dec, 2008


Not especially close. I guess the nearest is about 25 feet away (and that was only planted this autumn so is yet to get established and flower)

4 Dec, 2008


this is lovely Andrew, hope mine looks like this in a few years,

11 Dec, 2008


thats a great photo...
and i just realized I didnt see anything since end of november ... geeee :|

31 Jan, 2009

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