Mr Hash 4 Eileen "Irish" as Shes Thinks its very Funny How Mr Hash Trashes My Chair :)lol
By Jacque

3 Dec, 2008
On My Arm Chair 2nite Making Himself Very Comfy With The Pillow&Throws
Comments on this photo
Hes lots of Room In His cage 2 Snggle Down TT :)lol But hes out running around house most of day &likes 2 sleep on Chair/Sofa 2some times:)
3 Dec, 2008
Is he toilet-trained ??? :o)
3 Dec, 2008
Yes iv had him a while now &he only Wees&Poohs in his own little Corner in his Cage :)
3 Dec, 2008
That's very well-trained.
Congrats. on a clean bunny. :o)
3 Dec, 2008
Their so easy2train TT much easier than Puppys &Some Hubbys lol:)
3 Dec, 2008
awww he looks so happy Jacque
3 Dec, 2008
He is such a beautiful he full sized or a dwarf rabbit?
3 Dec, 2008
3 Dec, 2008
O yes Mr Hash is Happy Eileen ,Hes a Full Size Bunny Skippy &Eats like a Horse lol :)Glad u like him2 Jane:D
4 Dec, 2008
Aww...... Mr. Hash is very spoilt :0) and lovely with it !
4 Dec, 2008
Cute Bunny.
4 Dec, 2008
I cant believe anything so cute trashes you armchair Jacque
4 Dec, 2008
Amy,Holly,Jane&Milky/Hubby Mr Hash is so Cute & a Sweet Heart how can i not spoil him or push him off the Chair ;) lol
4 Dec, 2008
He is beautifulJacque..I would sit oin the floor rather than move him lol
4 Dec, 2008
He's gorgeous Jacque look at him peeping there!
4 Dec, 2008
Thanx Janey :) U cant see from this Pic But hes got Throw in his Mouth & Tugging it lol :D
4 Dec, 2008
He's such a dear little guy, Jacque! just melts the old heart! Clover still makes strange every once in a while... but I'm going to keep picking him up for cuddles... Clover loves to chew stuff too... have to watch cords from appliances etc... his room is totally rabbit proof! what a job that was!
5 Dec, 2008
Yes do keep Picking her Up Lori shel come around im sure :) Mr Hash is so friendly now ,He likes 2jump on Laps 2 if its not got 1 of the cats on LOL :D
6 Dec, 2008
That's encouraging, Jacque...thanks!
6 Dec, 2008
You have a bunny too! He's adorable. I love 'em, especially the dwarf lop-eared kind.
7 Dec, 2008
Do you know anyone with appletrees, Jacque? (hopefully not sprayed) vet suggested that since Clover liked to chew cords and table legs that he needed something healthy to chew...that I should find apple tree branches for him to chew on... so I pruned my crab apple...and guess what??? Clover likes the branches better than the books, cords or tables!! Thankyou Mrs.Vet!
7 Dec, 2008
When my children were young they had a bunny identical to Mr Hash and a white one of same breed too. My Lab Lily used to mother them, they were lovely pets.
9 Dec, 2008
Gorgeous photo and what a lovely character Jacque. He loves the four star hotel treatment and I don't blame him -he's beautiful !!!
9 Dec, 2008
MR Hash has a Apple Tree Branch in his Cage Lori its full of his Teeth /Chew Marks he loves it, Iv Had Bunnys all my Life Pgardener & theyv all had thier own little personalitys :) But i think as Mr Hash is a House Bunny he seems 2 have the Most Human/Cat/Dog Character out all the Bunnys iv ever had Grenville/Alan :D
9 Dec, 2008
Hello Mr Hash :-) I used to have a house-bunny too Jac - he used to wash the cat!
9 Dec, 2008
AAAAAAAAAAaawwwwww that sounds so sweet Sarah :)Mr Hash loves sitting with my Cats :)
9 Dec, 2008
Do the cats like him sitting them them?! My cat used to look at my bunny so disapproving - she would move away from him if she thought someone was looking, but many times I would walk into a room and find them together - cat obviously enjoying the attention - head on side/eyes shut!!
9 Dec, 2008
Puss&Sox dont mind But little Febe dont approve lol i think its cos shes not male ? Me&my Teenagers always say Look@Mr Hash Hanging out with the Lads when they all sit close 2gether lol :)
9 Dec, 2008
Can you post a pic of them all together Jac? Pleeeeeeaase???? :-)
10 Dec, 2008
Ok il get the Camera out &keep it ready2take a pic just 4 you Sarah :)Theyl all be about after tea &come in the living room4the Eveing :)
10 Dec, 2008
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This photo is of "My Pets " in Jacque's garden
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Mr Hash has to snuggle down because it's cold in December. :o)
3 Dec, 2008