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Let me introduce you to a new family member.

Let me introduce you to a new family member.

This is Tootsie, i got her yesterday in a mad moment, and already she has changed our lives, the house seems to have taken on a new life,crazy i know but its true,
She is such a pleasure to have around,
I just hope i feel the same way when i start sowing seeds,
She is nine wks old,

Comments on this photo


Hello Tootsie, you are a pretty cat ...

4 Dec, 2008


Hi Tootsie.
Welcome to GoY.
Enjoy. :o)

4 Dec, 2008


Lucky Black Cat FF :) Hi Tootsie ur LovelyX

4 Dec, 2008


Oh bless.....hello Tootsie....she is the spit of my midnight Beautiful

4 Dec, 2008


Hi Tootsie - what big ears you have!

4 Dec, 2008


`oh well done!
~welcome to the mad animal owners club~(not the animals!)she does look cute!

4 Dec, 2008


awww tootsie is lovely

4 Dec, 2008


Tootsie says, Thank you,

5 Dec, 2008


Ahhh, she's precious, and she looks very intelligent with those large all-seeing eyes.

6 Dec, 2008


Awwww. She's lovely. I will have to introduce her to my Chevy. Black cats must stick together. :o)

8 Dec, 2008


Hello Tootsie, she looks like one of my grandkittys...Drizzet is his name and it should be Thing one...he opens the refigerator door, the upper cupboard door and is working on regular doors with door knobs. He stole a piece of pizza out of my daughter's hand as it was headed toward her mouth. LOL

31 Dec, 2008


My partner got some Christmas pudding with fresh cream on, came into the living room with it and put it on th coffee table, while she went to get her cup of tea, when she got back Tootsie had licked the cream from it,
i found it highly amusing, but somehow she was'nt impressed, you gotta love em aint ya,

1 Jan, 2009


lol ive learnt not to leave food un guarded in this house

1 Jan, 2009


Guess we live and learn hey, it's no good getting older if we don't get any wiser is it, lol

1 Jan, 2009


lol Drizzet doesn't care if its guarded or not. lol he'll do his best to sneak it away.

2 Jan, 2009


Oh Tootsie , you little Minx....she's gorgeous Ff.....I love black pusscats, she reminds me of Bramble we used to have.

8 Jan, 2009


Thanks Janey, i cant imagine life around the house without her now,
and thats from one who always thought of cats as a garden pest,

9 Jan, 2009


Sometimes mad moments are the best moments.

19 Jan, 2009


will never regret getting her, its like the house has come alive,

19 Jan, 2009


Oh I bet Ff.........wouldn't be without ours even thought they have totally taken over! lol

19 Jan, 2009


Hello Toots - You've still got to grow into those ears of yours haven't you sweetie :-)

So what made you get a 'garden pest' then Ff?!

19 Jan, 2009


It was a moment of madness, the older i get the more of these moments occur.

19 Jan, 2009


Isn't it nice to just do things without looking at it from all angles Ff, ....we can do this as we get older! lol

19 Jan, 2009


Yeah i totaly agree, no ammount of money for instance, will make you as happy and content as when you are spending time in the garden.

20 Jan, 2009


Amen to that Ff!

20 Jan, 2009


Awwwwwwwwwww, she's soooooooo cute! I have a soft spot for black cats - have two of them, twice as lucky, maybe?

26 Jan, 2009

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