Scone Palace, Perthshire, Scotland
By David

7 Dec, 2008
Site of the coronations of ancient Scottish kings, and where the famous planthunter, David Douglas, served his horticultural apprenticeship.
Comments on this photo
great picture...
7 Dec, 2008
Good photo.
Great building.
Interesting history. :o)
7 Dec, 2008
Love he old castles! got none here.
26 Dec, 2008
So THAT'S who David Douglas was! No-one in Perth seemed to know! at least I have the excuse that I'm from Edinburgh (an incomer)!
Pink, I live just across the river from the palace, so I get to see it from a different angle!
30 Jul, 2009
No-one in Perth, even nearby Edinburgh, knew who David Douglas is? Would take me about 50 blogs just to provide the list of plants we take for granted in our gardens in the UK and Europe, which he introduced to us.
Am outraged - I have my work cut out for me, then, lol!
30 Jul, 2009
Sorry!!!! I only ever asked cos I see his name all over Scone!
30 Jul, 2009
Am not outraged at you, of course, and apologise deeply for the way I wrote it. I always think that if I add "lol" to anything, that folks realise that I'm being light-hearted about it all - which I am!
31 Jul, 2009
It's fine David, I knew that! I think I'd be outraged too!
31 Jul, 2009
Thank Goodness! And I don't even live in my fave County, and you do! :-)
31 Jul, 2009
Aaaw! Never mind, you're not too far away! I was saying in my blog yesterday that I used to hate it here, but as a child we always passed through Perth on our annual fishing/camping holiday, & I used to ask my dad if we could move here every time we came!
31 Jul, 2009
I wish I could see someday all those places mentioned in Macbeth: Glamis, Scone...
12 Apr, 2011
I do have a pic, in a past blog, of the ancient Birnam Oak (in the wood of same name, which was prophecied to march on Dunsinane), but, alas, it is still about 400 years younger than the time of Macbeth.
15 Apr, 2011
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This photo was taken at Scone Palace and Gardens.
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