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2days later


By Amy

2days later

Well alright ....I,ll just have a peep ..Mmm still no four poster !

Comments on this photo


That's very encouraging.
Not nice to think of her roosting on the cold roof.
Easy to see evidence of where she spent the night.:o)

15 Dec, 2008


aww Amy that is brilliant, she must feel safe there.

15 Dec, 2008


Told u So Amy :) Well done Hubby on all the Great Building Work of Snowballs Home :)

15 Dec, 2008


Yes i,m pleased , she might even go right in another day :0)

15 Dec, 2008


Have u tried Putting some Corn/Bird Food in2the House Amy? :)

15 Dec, 2008


Yes Jacque..we have put corn in, in fact I think that,s what she,s after , She,s sitting on top in the dark again tonight , I,m hoping she will go inside after a few days . :)

15 Dec, 2008


It will be some aheivement Amy if chooses to use it. I thought doves would naturally use these but apparently you have to have them as very young birds and net them in .

They then fed in a cote for weeks as they adjust. Maybe being able to use this for herself is the appeal but brilliant if you manage it well done.

15 Dec, 2008


I have heard that as well Bonkers which makes me think she /he might have been use to a cote of some kind .. it is so friendly and tame and looks as if it is listening when you talk to it !

15 Dec, 2008


You may have a sort of familiar there with Snowball. What a joy! May move in yet.

16 Dec, 2008


I hadn,t thought of that Greenthumb , my brother use to come to us as an escape ... a place where he could relax and be calm , he loved helping me in the garden , he was only 60 when he died , do you think it,s him ?

16 Dec, 2008


So nearly there! Look forward to the next instalment. Perhaps if you hang her Christmas stocking inside it might help?

18 Dec, 2008


LOL ..........

18 Dec, 2008


I would think so, if she already was reminding you of him, Amy. Such a lovely thought.

19 Dec, 2008


am a bit's a peigion? come he/she doesn't fly I misssing something?

17 Jan, 2009


It,s a Fan tail Dove IC ..... it arrived one day and decided to stay , hubby built it this dove cote which it instantly claimed as though he knew it was for him , we call him Snowball , he is still with us and is very tame . we say him but don,t know if it,s he/ she

17 Jan, 2009

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