The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Guinness World Record Certificate - Tallest Amaranthus for 23 feet 2 inch Amaranthus australis

Guinness World Record Certificate - Tallest Amaranthus for 23 feet 2 inch Amaranthus australis

Guinness World Record Certificate - Tallest Amaranthus Certificate for 23 feet 2 inch Amaranthus australis

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17 Dec, 2008


well done

17 Dec, 2008


Congratulations ,and I thought my Amaranthus was tall at six foot lol

17 Dec, 2008


Well done,
Does Guinness still use feet and inches measurements worldwide, or has Guinness gone metric in some countries ?

17 Dec, 2008


Congratulations....the sky is the limit.

17 Dec, 2008


Wow! Congratulations Sunflower&Welcome 2GOY :)

17 Dec, 2008


Great job. Great achievement...extreme gardener, huh?...welcome to GoY

17 Dec, 2008


Congratultions, and welcome to GOY.

17 Dec, 2008


That must have been a very splendid sight....Well done and welcome to our little community Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year

17 Dec, 2008


Very impressive!

17 Dec, 2008


Probably feet & inches just for certificates in the U.S.A. I don't think we are ever going to convert over here.

My amaranth record was broken by a friend in New York State a week later. In fact, I gave him the seeds, and he grew them in his house, and then took a cutting and gave it to me. I took another cutting of that cutting and that is what I used to get a 23 feet 2 inch plant. His plant was 27 feet 10 inches. Hopefully, this year I can break that record. This plant can also get very large stalks. He had a couple amaranths with stalks 6 feet around. Remember, this is an annual; so they get this big in a single season. It's best to start them indoors under growing lights, but I have been able to get plants up to 21 feet direct sown in the garden.

Here is a video of a 6 feet stem circumference on a giant amaranth

18 Dec, 2008


Wow, sunflower. Astounding!

18 Dec, 2008

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