Milk Weed
By Weeds11

23 Dec, 2008
Another weed. This one was in the basalt covered countryside near Cheney, Washington. They grow everywhere and are a real pest, but still beautiful in a weedy way.
Comments on this photo
Thanks, I'll try to get some real flowers on my site soon. Takes a while to get them sized and get the mechanics of using the site worked out.
23 Dec, 2008
WOw great photo....
23 Dec, 2008
Love is one of those giant thistles isn't it? Great shot.
23 Dec, 2008
It's more like a giant dandelion. Unassumin' when it's bloomin' then -wham, this head pops out, then the little umbrellas all blow in the wind and reseed acres. You don't want to take this home with you! Sisty
23 Dec, 2008
That's lovely!
23 Dec, 2008
LOL..thanks for warnin me ....don't let me pick any when I come to visit know how I am....oh...pretty!....sis-n
23 Dec, 2008
brilliant close up
23 Dec, 2008
Ahhh. Now here is one I know. We have them all over here too. Pesky but pretty. Great photo Weeds.
24 Dec, 2008
Nice photo, welcome to GOY.
24 Dec, 2008
Thanks Clarice, I read your "About Me." I like wildlife too. We have deer, rabbits, several kinds of birds and an occasional moose in the woods.The deer eat the tops off my red and yellow osier dogwood. in the spring and fall. Guess I don't have to prune them that way, but sometimes the get them a little short.
24 Dec, 2008
Lovely shot. Welcome to GOY. Look forward to seeing more pics.
28 Dec, 2008
Moose? Whatever next on GOY! Welcome from me, too. It may be a weed, but it makes a great photo!
28 Dec, 2008
Very beautifull. how big is this? ( the flower)
21 Jan, 2009
Thank you. The seed head shown here is about 14cm in diameter. The actual yellow flower that blooms on the plant before the seed head opens is about 8cm.
21 Jan, 2009 tell me how big it is in inches..I do not want to go and look it up...I am in my favorite chair with my laptop on my lap...don't..Make me have to get up.
21 Jan, 2009
Oh, you Americans! LOL About 5 inches. 3 in. for the yellow flower. I had to get out my two sided ruler for the approximate centimeters. :-)
Did you watch the Inauguration with your knight? Have you ever seen 2 million smiling faces in one place before in your life? In spite of the freeezing weather too! It gave me hope. Sisty
21 Jan, 2009
How did you know Stephan ( My Darling Knight)and I did that? It was very nice..I told him it was coming on..he turned on his telly..and you know what? The words of Barracks speech were reaching his set before mine, over 7000 miles away... only by one or two words...but I was amazed..! Yes! President Obama, I love saying that, lol..gave a very hopeful and encouraging speech...He is a good, strong and loving man.
21 Jan, 2009
It sounded like something you two would do on a "date" LOL
Modern technology is amazing.
I went out and hung up my flag in support. Even in the fog, it looked beautiful & optimistic.
21 Jan, 2009
LOL...yes it is something we do on our I am so grateful for this technology..really so grateful....
I wish I had thought of hanging out a flag...guess I still'd think being I am a retired flag shop owner..I would have one all ready to go....mmmm...NOT...
But your Milk Weed shot is looks almost like fireworks...!
21 Jan, 2009
Fireworks or a supernova they are such wonderful structures, so well adapted to purpose!
3 Sep, 2009
Nice comparison.
3 Sep, 2009
Everything is reflected in nature, apart from mankinds productions (though many of them reflect natural forms too)
3 Sep, 2009
Form follows function in mechanics as well as nature.
3 Sep, 2009
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Beautiful Photo :) Welcome2GOY Weeds11
23 Dec, 2008