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Benny having his christmas dinner


By Irish

Benny having his christmas dinner

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That was a cute caption Irish. I think I pass on a worm or two! lol!

29 Dec, 2008


are you sure ? loads left over lol

29 Dec, 2008


Ah thank you but no thank you I still have loads of Christmas leftovers and candy. I could not take from your cute robins. They are way cuter than ours even the males who are surprisingly better looking! lol!

29 Dec, 2008


Another good photo of Benny :o)

29 Dec, 2008


Whats he having for his New Year dinner?

29 Dec, 2008


Aw....he's such a little sweetie!

29 Dec, 2008


emmmmm guess Bonkers lol.
more worms with maybe a wee glass of champers to wash them down with

29 Dec, 2008


thanks TT and Janey

29 Dec, 2008


Sounds good to me!

29 Dec, 2008


Great Pic..Benny looks a lot thiner than my liitle Robin

29 Dec, 2008


I love the way you GOY's talk across the ocean. I had forgotten a lot of the dialect as my folks have been gone a long while and they became Canadianized. Whats for afters?

29 Dec, 2008


Maybe mince pies ? We put some out over the holiday and the birds went mad for them!

29 Dec, 2008


Oh heck I would have devoured them. My mum used to make minced pies and my nan, she had this huge barrel of the stuff. Now no one I know makes it from scratch. My boys thinks it real animal meat (Minced meat) silly eh!

29 Dec, 2008


Can get confusing..we have pie called shepherds pie made with savoury mince and mashed potato too!

29 Dec, 2008


Yum to that too but my boys think English food is funny? like funny ha ha or funny like the taste? I think I will treat them to ole England and it will not be fish a chips!

I still make sheperds pie with the left over roast. it makes it more plyable as beef gets tough and tastes different after it sits.

29 Dec, 2008


Its all good old fashioned food our parents used to make...not out of a packet.Your children look very fit and healthy,but find it very sad to see hugely over weight children with a lifetime of health problems ahead of them due to their poor diets.

29 Dec, 2008


Yes I like to think my folks upbringing for me was not a waste of their time. I like to make it reciprocal.

Boy did we get of the topic of worms and robins! lol!

29 Dec, 2008


yes I guess so PF but how would the robins feel if we took away their organic worms,and offered them pizza lol ?

29 Dec, 2008


I know I would rather indulge in the pie!

29 Dec, 2008



29 Dec, 2008


let us know how your Shepherds pie turns out PF.

my kids love what we call proper food. stew's, shepherds pies, my son has always hated chips from the time he was little so McDonald's was rare for us to go to . think its done them good tho, certainly hasnt done them any harm eating my cooking lol.

i have a magnet in the kitchen that says...
Many people have eaten in this kitchen and gone on to lead normal healthy lives.
think that says it all lol

30 Dec, 2008


Nice Irish, I only make the pie when there is left overs and this family hardly leaves a scrap of roast beast to mince up. I think someone might have told your son that chips (french fries) were a vegetable? I never knew what they were when I was young a other than they were tasty. I would go to the corner restaurant and spend my whole allowance (50 pennies) on fries and gravy back in the late 60ties.

Kitchen fridge magnet is words to live by!

30 Dec, 2008


OK now where the real Eileen, the one that burns the dinner ....

30 Dec, 2008


janette shushhhhhhhhhhhh lol

30 Dec, 2008


Hi eileen.
My cousin decided they wouldn't want to sit on the floor so we'll all go out for lunch.
Then I'm taking them to see a Welsh castle afterwards. Some are from America. I hope it gets a bit milder. I don't fancy driving across these hills in the ice.

31 Dec, 2008


well Hywel you be carefull out there in this weather aye?
i had to drive back from Cavan the other morning, crawled along. even doing 40kph i could feel the car sliding.

31 Dec, 2008


I keep to the main roads in this weather Eileen. they grit them but the mountain roads can be dangerous.
I don't want to go over any precipices in the new yr. lol

31 Dec, 2008


lol no Hywel that wouldnt be a good start to the new yr at all

31 Dec, 2008


I,m sure Benny enjoyed his treat and asked for more :o)

PF how can you have gravy with chips ....YUK ...

1 Jan, 2009


MMMMMmmmmmmmm i like Gravy &Chips 2 Amy & Curry Sauce :) BTW the Pic Is Fab of Benny Eileen lol :)

1 Jan, 2009


I like Curry sauce Jacque but gravy would make the lovely crispy chips soggy :o)

1 Jan, 2009


thanks Jacque.
not a fan of gravy with my chips either , curry sauce yesssssss lol

1 Jan, 2009


There is a dish that the French made popular called Poutin. Want a artery clogging instant heart attack that is the one to eat. It consists of chips really thick gravy and a a large portion of cheese curds and soar cream slapped on top. I tried it once and got worried that that would be a bad habit to get into.

As far as gravy and chips go it is delicious. The gravy should be thick not watery and if you eat it right away it is not saggy. Try it I know you will like it! I will try curry sauce never done that.

2 Jan, 2009

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