Can you read this?
By Gee19

1 Jan, 2009
If not, try squinting!! Have been off line for a while. Had a lovely Christmas with my family and friends and then went down with the cough/cold that they had all had before and during Christmas! Just before I go off to bed with a whisky and ginger (medicinal of course!) I wanted to wish all of you a very happy and healthy New Year. God bless.
I hope to catch up with all the photos and blogs I have missed but think it may take me until next Christmas!!
Comments on this photo
Feel better soon, Gee! Happy new years.
1 Jan, 2009
Happy New Year Gee !
I hope your cold doesn't last long.
1 Jan, 2009
Happy New Year the gardening card! Don't forget your hot warty too!
1 Jan, 2009
Yes I can read it very well. Happy New Year to you too! Now roll on spring!!
1 Jan, 2009
Happy New Year Gee - great card. Bed is the best place to be in these sub zero temperatures. At least it should kill off some of the garden bugs!
1 Jan, 2009
get better soon Gee. happy new year
1 Jan, 2009
Get well soon.
1 Jan, 2009
Ah, I, too, am sick...bronchitis...hope you feel better soon and your card is quite clever and nice....
1 Jan, 2009
Sorry youre not well Gee and Skippy....Jane too has the dreaded virus...been ill since Christmas day! Think those hot toddies are the answer! Hope both of you better soon...and looking forward to Gees update on Tufty! xx
1 Jan, 2009
Happy New Year Gee hope you will soon feel better had it myself for almost three weeks now ,stay in bed and drink lots of hot toddies
1 Jan, 2009
Happy New Year to you Gee
1 Jan, 2009
Thanks for all your kind messages. I am on the mend - just a horrible cough that causes everyone to back away rapidly!! Can't say I blame them. Hope all you other suffers are soon hale and hearty again.
1 Jan, 2009
Happy New Year Gee! I feel for you, my family has all had that too and the cough takes forever to totally go. Hope you're better soon!
1 Jan, 2009
Hope that you're feeling better. Happy New Year everyone!
2 Jan, 2009
Happy new Year..get well soon
Well done Gee
2 Jan, 2009
Hi, I'm the new kid :-) (Maybe "kid" is a joke. but I am new here.) Hope you're feeling better. Happy 2009.
2 Jan, 2009
Love your card, could read it trouble, sorry to hear you have the dreaded Lurgi...lots of it around here, unfortunately it does take a time to get shot of the cough. Get better soon.
2 Jan, 2009
~had this horrible cough for nearly three weeks now and no sign of it going~has anyone got any super remedies?
2 Jan, 2009
Happy new year Gee ........Get well soon .....
The card is lovely :o)
3 Jan, 2009
Hello Gee ~
I'm still trying to catch up with photos in between tidying my house !
I hope you feel better. This is a clever design. Great photo :o)
7 Jan, 2009
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Oh, so sorry to hear you are not well, Gee. I hope you are soon feeling up to snuff. Get lots of rest and drink plenty of that medicinal whisky and ginger. That will soon have you back on your feet.
All my best wishes for the upcoming New Year.
~ Gilli x
1 Jan, 2009