Seed Packets
By Clarice

2 Jan, 2009
Got them this morning from garden centre.
Comments on this photo
Great,i'll have to wait till next year for them to flower.
2 Jan, 2009
I am soo looking forwards to making a start on seed sowing ,looks like you have a lot to sow as well Clarice
2 Jan, 2009
Nice Choice of seeds Clarice :) b4 i start2sow any seeds iv 2 buy more compost :)
2 Jan, 2009
Great choice..good luck
2 Jan, 2009
Like those Red Hot Pokers! I wonder if they will grow here?
3 Jan, 2009
Jacque i use loads of compost, no matter how much i have i seem to need more.
3 Jan, 2009
Ohh lovely choice ...... I think we are all getting itchy fingers ..LOL
3 Jan, 2009
Which is everyone's favourite of these seeds if you could choose only one packet ?
5 Jan, 2009
O my thats a very Hard thing2do TT :) But i think id go4the Coneflowers Seeds :)
5 Jan, 2009
Me too Jacque I like the Red Hot Pokers.
5 Jan, 2009
I'm still trying to choose.
You can see why I spend a LONG time in garden centres. LOL
5 Jan, 2009
lol TT ,I brought 2 large Hot Poker Plants last Yr PF & only1 flowered so fingers crossed there`l be many Flowers this Summer4me to Photo :)
5 Jan, 2009
I'm still trying to choose ...........
5 Jan, 2009
Nice selection! That reminds me, I was going to look out for red hot pokers, couldn't bring my last ones with me since it was January and they were buried under snow.
19 Jan, 2009
Would have to be the Verbena because it just flowered on and on this year and I'm still enjoying it's structure now but I would love all of them. I have replaced buying chocolate with packets of seeds!
4 Feb, 2009
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Ooh...things to look forward to red hot poker is still out!
2 Jan, 2009