Opening up soon...
By Mikec

4 Jan, 2009
My Amaryllis will be opening up soon. This one is red and it's called " Cinderella ". The second flower stalk is coming up about half way up the leaves. If you've never had one of these, I recommend them very highly. They are a lot of fun to watch growing. I have another orange and white stripe one that is just starting to grow.
Comments on this photo
It certainly looks very healthy Mike.
4 Jan, 2009
Gave my friend Jean an amaryllis in Christmas of 2007....she put it out on her deck and forgot about it all summer ...the leaves sprouted then had something go she removed the leaves and thought it was a thing you know four buds! must take a pic to post it's a lovely snowy white! can't wait to see the red blossoms, Mike!
4 Jan, 2009
I used to buy these when my children were small - they use to measure them each day!
4 Jan, 2009
The leaves in mine are about a foot tall now and I'm looking forward to the blooms...
5 Jan, 2009
These are looking great.
Good luck with blooms for Mike and for Skippy !
5 Jan, 2009
It looks great Mike , it has reminded me to go and look at mine in the greenhouse !
7 Jan, 2009
Lovely, I am addicted anew. Do you keep as a houseplant? I'm curious if the leaves stay on or if it always rests. All mine from rest have sprouted the flowering stalk first and no leaves. This one looks like it was well developed already. Can't wait to see the blooms.
7 Jan, 2009
I keep them as houseplants greenthumb. My second one looks like it's going to be all buds and hardly any leaves. This one had a lot of long leaves first. After the blooms are finished I usually cut of the flower stalks at the base and leave the leaves. Then I start to fertilize once a month. I then put them outside when it's safe out there in filtered sun and continue fertilizing them through the summer. Towards the end of the summer the leaves are usually starting to turn yellow so I cut them off and bring them down to my basement and I let them completely dry out. Around the end of November I bring them back up and start watering them and the cycle begins again.
7 Jan, 2009
Thanks so much Mike. I'm trying to establish as houseplants as well, since my winter would kill them anyway. Needed advice. My cold room is getting more and more
7 Jan, 2009
it is lovley and I like your cactuses beside
25 Jan, 2009
Mike! I just got a huge bargain on amaryllus! I found them at A & P for $2.99 each! I bought three... Picotee, Bouquet and Maria Goretti! They're sprouting!!! YAY!
25 Jan, 2009
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looking good.
4 Jan, 2009