Petunias July 2008
By Novice22

6 Jan, 2009
This photo shows the petunias in more detail.
Comments on this photo
Thanks Jacque, I look forward to seeing your petunia flowers.
6 Jan, 2009
They are beautiful Novice....I love Petunias
6 Jan, 2009
Beautiful shades in these petunias :o)
6 Jan, 2009
So do i Novice i brought them off Ebay they came from the United States so i hope theyl grow well for me as only got 15 Seeds!:D
6 Jan, 2009
Great mix of color!
6 Jan, 2009
oh great colors
1 Feb, 2009
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7 Oct, 2008
O These are so Gorgeous Novice :) Iv some Blue Frilly Petunia Seeds im going to grow myself this yr .Hope theyl be as pretty as these 1s :)
6 Jan, 2009