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Abbigail Tabbytail in my Wellies


By Weeds11

Abbigail Tabbytail in my Wellies

She was so exhausted after her trek in my wellies that she collapsed on the rug without taking them off.

Comments on this photo


How funny!

8 Jan, 2009


Now that's real dedication to GoY Wellie Olympics training !

8 Jan, 2009



8 Jan, 2009


What a hard working kitty! She looks just like my cat (Ms.Kitty), minus the wellies.

8 Jan, 2009



8 Jan, 2009



8 Jan, 2009


Fab Photo :)

8 Jan, 2009


I used to have a cat named Abbey the Tabby. Weeds you've got some awfully small feet if those are your Wellies, either that or you have one large Abbigail cat. Cute pic. I want to see two more on the front paws, with Abbigail walking please :)

9 Jan, 2009


She's a VERY large cat. ;-) Actually her name is Abigail, (I hit too many of those little keys.) We call her Abby, Gabby, Crabby and anything else that rhymes. Originally the plan was all to do all four feet, but Abby wouldn't cooperate. She's a cat, you know. :-)

9 Jan, 2009


LOL..good job my sly's a cat you have me in stitches..with this...

9 Jan, 2009


This, Sis-n, is an actual photo. I wouldn't have any reason to lie to you...LOL

10 Jan, 2009


Ha...ha....ha......great photo Weeds.........but where are her slippers???? lol

11 Jan, 2009


LOL..I know this is an actual photo and I know the rug and cat...but ..I thought she was much smaller when I saw her last...!

11 Jan, 2009


Janey, her slippers are upstairs under her bed. She's very neat about putting her things away.

Cat, She was but a baby when when you saw her last. "She growed some." :-)

11 Jan, 2009


Boy she sure did...what are you feedin that girl...she's a biggen...I will have to see if I can get some of the same for Larry..she has gone way bigger n...him...!

11 Jan, 2009


If Larry gets any bigger he'll be big enough to burn diesel. Love that cat.

12 Jan, 2009


He already burns diesel ...what do you think something his size runs

12 Jan, 2009


Puss in boots having a cat nap – why has Abby the tabby got her tail up – does she sleep pounce so she does not get flabby? I am so impressed that your wellies fit your cat purrfectly! I could have used a tiger sized cat to keep the witches at bay last year.

12 Jan, 2009


You tried that one GF. Remember your tiger pic.? It would take much more than a large pussycat to keep the Good Witches of GOY at bay!! Heee hee hee he he (Witchy cackle)

12 Jan, 2009


Hello Mr. GF, Seems you have managed the witches purrfectly by yourself. No tigers needed. If you need a tiger in future episodes, just call out to Flabby Crabby Abby Tabbytail. The witches will gather their spells and flee..hee hee!
Her tail has a mind of it's own, I guess. If I had asked her to do that, she would have stomped off in a huff. She appears to be flying through a dreamscape, doesn't she? She's probably dreaming of stealing my cowboy hat and stalking the horses. :-)

12 Jan, 2009


Abby Tabby Tail...would certainly be interested in stalking horses...I know how she is...!

Wonder how your hat would look on her...hmmmm...if she manages to get it on ...please send more pic's..I would love to see that!

12 Jan, 2009


Hello Mrs. Weeds11 - I have just noticed that you are in the background of My lady Catakins new avatar. Are they your violet slippers or Abby Tabby Tails' slippers you are wearing?

13 Jan, 2009


Cat, you changed your avatar. How funny! I hope this one isn't an editorial comment. LOL. Took me a while to figure out it's origin. You should explain that this horse isn't your Fine Flash. This one definitely has an additude!

13 Jan, 2009


Sir GF, salutations. Alas, my days as a rodeo clown are over. In fact I'm thinking of giving up bull riding too. At least you didn't accuse me of the being the figure in the foreground. LOL. Rest assured, I was gone the day Catakin's avatar photo was taken.
The purple slippers may be Abigail's, I will ask her if her purple slippers are missing.

13 Jan, 2009


I have only just realized that I do need to explain that this is not my fine and wonderful Flash....but my Lovely Were there when this photo was is from our fine week-end we spent at the Ellensbrg Rodeo a few summers
That Clown!!!..taking Abby Tabby's slippers...shall we mount our fine steeds and have a gallop over to Ellensburg...I could come from the West over the Mountain passes..dodging avalanches of course and you could come from the East out of the flat lands..dodging massive potholes made by freezing weather and too many trucks and cars crunching ore the roads....I will keep a look out from on high and you can come quielty ...(no snorting Dan the wonderhorse)...and we will retireve those slippers whilst the clown sleeps....Good eye, my Knight...spotting those truly amaze and and delight your Queen.

13 Jan, 2009


Oh and is an editorial

13 Jan, 2009


Cj, when I first looked at your new avatar thumbnail image it looked to me like a plucked chicken hanging against a wall. LOL It must be from my history as a broiler chicken farmer. (Yes, true).
Are you sure the violet slippers do not belong to your knightly Sir Turniphead? I would think violet would be just his colour. :o)

13 Jan, 2009


My lovely sisty..I have done as you suggested and as a Knightly one, who would never wear violet, suggested as well and updated my profile to explain this new avatar...and as to ms. Gilli chicken broiler farmer...I have as well seen such sights at my aunt and uncles chicken farm many years ago...many, many years does make you have to click on it to see what it is I am saying here...that is I placed this avatar for your and Janey's entertainment...I am so glad you have taken notice...of my comment....LOL...

13 Jan, 2009


My dear Cj. Would I ever ignore one of your comments??? Never, never, never. ...... :o)

13 Jan, 2009


Yes Cattykit, I remember that rodeo well, what fun we had...I only meant that I was not in the arena with the horse's behind ;-) when the photo was taken.
How vile can a clown be? I have always hated clowns. Go figure that one.
I'm sure the evil clown is long gone from Ellensburg with the violet slippers. The skum! We will search far and wide for the contemptible clown with the stolen slippers! We will not give up until we have his revolting red plastic nose and Abby's slippers on our lances.
What say you, Great Knight. Will you join us in search of the violet slippers on the back of your mighty sheep avatar?

Aside to Gilli: You are the only broiler chicken farmer I have ever known. Something has to be said for being unique. I like that in a person! I had a great aunt who raised turkeys in the 1920's, She painted beautiful pictures in her free time, I have three of them.

14 Jan, 2009


LOL, Weedy. You haven't truely lived until you have raised 40,000 chickens.....all at one time......and shovelled all the *%$^ out of the barns afterwards. :oD

14 Jan, 2009


Yuck...yuck..yuck are hurting my eyes...reading this has left a funny smell on my's oh ..oh..reminds of the time we brought home that load of chicken fertilizer. Arrgh...

14 Jan, 2009


We had 50 Rhode Island Reds when I was 7 or 8, (for those of you who are scratching your heads, those are big rust-colored chickens.) I'll bet 40,000 chickens produce a lot more *%$^. Burns your eyes doesn't it? :-[
Yes, chickens had been "invented" several years before I was 7. :-)

14 Jan, 2009


Lady Gilli mon Cheri - I think I see a theme emerging from your comments. You certainly found your vocation in life shovelling. You told us about shovelling a four letter word beginning with s on you site at Christmas and here you are doing it again with another four letter word beginning with s. Now we know where the cheesey smell really came from. (Your comments 13/01/09 on my Conwy Castle day time photo)

14 Jan, 2009


Hmmmm..lances...well and GF (My Knight) go ahead with the lances......I m gonna haul off and make that clown dance those slippers right off with my six shooters..while I am makin him dance you and Gf can slip your lances in there and pick off those slippers just fine..I have been practising for just this sorta and Flash..out workin on it ever day...ride n shoot we call it....
Flash in't partial to it, lots of buckin and weavin and whinnyin...but it's keepin us golly.

14 Jan, 2009


Yipee keye eh, Cj.

You would not believe how much &*$# is produced in 6 weeks from 40,000 chickens. Great, huge, eye burning, throat searing, sinus numbing piles of it. It rots your wellies right off your feet.
Surprisingly enough, you actually get used to the smell eventually (unless you are actually in the barns).
And yes GF, I became a shovelling champion. Cheesy smells and all.

14 Jan, 2009


Weeds11 - Please be careful about making suggestions on the subject of getting on the back of sheep. It could be misinterpreted by some you know.

As regards the witch hunt for the stolen slippers I think the prime suspect is Lady Janey. She is always clowning around and why else would she laugh her socks off other than to put on the stolen slippers. TT is the GOY expert on foot wear and probably can tell us all about Lady Janey's foot wear.

A hush puppy hound might also come in useful to track the slippers but we better keep quite about this.

14 Jan, 2009


Lady Gilli mon Cheri - I can well believe how much waste so many chickens produce now that I have seen the mounds behind your back garden. With what do you replace the rotted wellies and do you like the colours violet and purple?

14 Jan, 2009


Are you saying , my Knight? that, that Clown, that very clown could have been Janey laying in wait to snag Abigail Tabby's very violet slippers?
WEED's!!!..get extra Lance's n I am gonna bring two six shooters...we have a bigger job n I though on our hands! You might want to enlist Forest Glen and his feathered flying fngers too.......! Should witch Janey call in Tower Raven..we may never get Abigails very violet slippers back....!

14 Jan, 2009


Hold it!! Hold it!! You all just hold your horses. I cannot believe dear Lady Janey would stoop so low as to steal the precious violet slippers of dear furry Abigail Tabigail. Lady Janey is far above such shenannigans. She is innocent I tell you..........Innocent!!!

Dear Sir Turnip. My rotted Wellies were replaced with steel toed boots but they too rotted only to be replaced with another pair of steel toed boots and another and another and another. That waste would rot through concrete if you let it sit long enough. Now, my wellies and my steel toed boots are safe. My wellies only to be soiled by good clean mud and my steel toed boots only with grease and oil (and the occasional dropped wrench).

14 Jan, 2009


HA!...Lady Janey!???? have the wrong Lady Janey my dear "snowbound loon"....she is not to be TRUSTED! and certainly she is not one bit innocent!....She has been eyeing those very violet slippers for months, maybe years.....she takes her time and lays her plans ...acting innocent the whole have been blinded by her witchery Gilli...she most probably wants them for her very own Roly!....WEED's...we must hurry...!

Oh and glad for ya about the Wellies.

14 Jan, 2009


"Wahl, Lil Sister, you just better be careful with them six shooters, thats a good way to put an eye out!"
Calm down everybody, Janey is innocent til proven guitlty. It's the law.
I propose we set a trap. Obviously the perpetrator has a slipper fetish, if the doer of this evil deed thinks we have the famous Ruby Slippers, she/he will move heaven an earth to have them for her/his own. Voila! When she/he sneaks in to snatch 'em, it'll be: -"book 'em Dan-o!" for the despicable villain.

GF, I had not intended such rude innuendo about your sheep. Baaa-d goyboy! Where in Montaaana are you from?

Gilli, Do you indeed have steel toed boots? If so, we must live in parallel worlds, if not, mores the pity. Snow and man-boots in common too? Such a deal!

14 Jan, 2009


ummm...uh...(kicking toe in dirt r ummm...snow..) fun calming down...(kick) six shooters to guard the door to the supposed ruby slippers?...(kick)no..riden an shooten...?(kick..stubbin toe..ouch!) linchin?... :( ......hoooo....ahahaha....sigh......guess I will go clean out my garage....
Weed's...? ya know...don't ya that... GF...doesn't live in Montana. ....If he did....Boy HOWDY...wouldn't that be great!....I could gallop on over on Flash, stay over at your ranch and then you and I would gallop on over to problem....this whole Wales thing ...hmmmm...may have to take a jet...Flash is not much of a swimmer.

14 Jan, 2009


Okay, okay how about one small pea shooter and a linchin' with a rubber bungee and a pot luck afterwards?

Montana really would be a good place for GF except for the lack of castles there. Even closer to PT would be better for both of you.

14 Jan, 2009


(Shoulder shrug)
...yea ...ok...
(gonna humor in the snow too long...pea shooter...hehehehe....rubber bungee linchn....hehehehe...bahwa-a-a-a-ah..snort..potluck after!....hahahaha)...

I kinda like the idea of Wales....been round these parts a long time, seen it all, done it all...all enough anyway......gotta get out...see his world. He's comin here too...but ya's gonna be nice going back with him for a visit... :)

14 Jan, 2009


Well, GF wanted to move a mountain to Wales....why not move Wales to Washington?? It's so small I'm sure there is a little nook or cranny down there to fit it in.

Now, cowgirls......this is a gardening pea bungee linchin'.......but I'm sure the pot luck will be fine........Keep to plant topics won't cha? Hmmmm.......come to think of it....pea shooters is about peas..........bungee linchin' could be done on an Old Oak Tree........pot luck could have vegetables in.........Never mind.....forget I spoke.

I will not have my dear Lady Janey spoken of in such a way........not innocent!! Not to be trusted!!! Oh, how the worm turns (gardening reference: do worms really turn?)... my dear Catsparrow.....Not so long ago you were plotting with her quite contentedly........ And you Weedy, should know better......tsk. tsk. tsk.

14 Jan, 2009


Ha...she has bespelled you!!!! and Weed's has done nothing but try to stop me from linching you cannot tsk tsk her...

14 Jan, 2009


So much for Puss-in-boots, Puss in Purple-slippers is very comfortable. Thank you so much my most thoughtful friend, Abby Tabbytail.....this old castle here is a tad draughty in the winter months........these are just what a fellow needs when roasting his whiskers by the log fire..........

14 Jan, 2009


See Gilli-See---I told you and now between you and Mrs.Town Sheriff Weeds....she and her Roly have made off all the way to England with the slippers...Oh ...where are my six shooters....Flash....HEEEYAH!!!!!!

14 Jan, 2009


You and your silly little blue pills Gilli...all you can see is little pink elephants in your rose beds under the snow...arrrgh..are you comin now to help me and Weed's....????.....Janey!....Roly!...I'm fetching my Big Brrroom.....Flash n I are comin after them slippers!

He really does well riding this big broom...he says...verrrrry niiiiice maaawwmm....huuuurrrraaahhh....holds on with his teeth..if he gets a little wobbly you know...

14 Jan, 2009


Weed's...if we're gonna get those slippers...your gonna need a broom you think Dan will be able to hang on... or should we get side rails for your broom? don't tell me you don't have a broom.....I am sure I saw one tucked back in the guest room..just for emergencies like this....Leavin at ready....

14 Jan, 2009


Oh what a lot of hoo...haa over a pair of dusty cowcat slippers.........let me get back to Shrek....I do so love watching myself on here......:o)

14 Jan, 2009


We're comin... Roly/Janey...Enjoy them while you can....! They are not long for your feet!...and you are gonna be dancin.....2 feet-4 feet...maybe 6 feet all at once..them feets are gonna dance. Dad burn Slipper wranglers..!!!!

14 Jan, 2009


My dearest Cattyfinch.........surely you don't object to an old boy warming his tootsies?? Anyhow what happened to Hibiscuses rump.....that was a quick makeover!

14 Jan, 2009


That was not Hibiscuses rump...that was mine giving you and Gilli a bad horse speak...and you may not steal off with cousin Abby Tabbies tootsie unless they are ceremoniously returned with an apology...we will be flying cross the BIG pond at DayBreak and you will not be a happy nappy cat any longer....

14 Jan, 2009


Yeah, what Kitcat said!

Petunia, there...zat help Gilli? This is, after all a gardening site.

I beg your pardon, Janey...did you say rump? You'd better start knitting that familiar of yours some slippers cause his feet are going to be cold. I understand GF has a sheep if you need some wool yarn.
I 'll be the one with the horse trailer behind my broom.

15 Jan, 2009


I've had too much yarn from Shaun lately Weeds...........

15 Jan, 2009


Hi Janey. Abby, the Cowcat, says she rather likes your Roly. She says "Pish posh, he needs those slippers worse than I do, what with the cold castle and all." Cats! You just never know how they will react. The storm has past. I've put my broom back in the closet. :-) Give
Roly a pat for me. I'm going back to watching Spring creeping into my back yard.

15 Jan, 2009


Very Gracious of..Abby..she is such a sweet kitty cow cat....

15 Jan, 2009


Weeds.....Roly thanks Abbey Tabbytail profusely and is smiling in his chair....dreaming of rodeos and puss in boots...........:o)

15 Jan, 2009


:-) Abby says "He's welcome." She will dream of cats and castles tonight.

16 Jan, 2009


Weedy....."Gilli, Do you indeed have steel toed boots? If so, we must live in parallel worlds, if not, mores the pity. Snow and man-boots in common too? Such a deal!"

I do indeed have steel toed boots. In fact I have 3 pairs. One pair of winter, one summer boots and one pair summer steel toed sneaker type. It sounds like we are "boots of a feather"!! :o)

16 Jan, 2009


How funny! Mine have to have 6 inch tops, as much as I would like to have the sneaker type I am not allowed. OSHA safety requirements for pipeliners. I don't have to wear them in my office... :-) just on job sites.

"Boots of a feather!"

16 Jan, 2009


The sneaker types are only worn when I'm in the front doing parts Weedy. Otherwise I have to have the boot types too. Not sure about the 6" tops. Nobody has ever mentioned that for mechanics. My problem is I need steel fingered gloves.....I keep hurting my fingers... :o)

16 Jan, 2009


What sort of mechanics work do you do Gilli...? I have always thought it was such a dilema under the hood of a car..but have come to understand more over the years? Not a lot ..but am good at

16 Jan, 2009


Do they make chainmail gloves? Mechanic work is hard on the fingers, but I never have been able to do anything intricate with gloves on. Not that I'm a mechanic...although raising three sons and living in an all male household forever, (including the cats and dogs) should entitle me to an honorary degree in mechanics!

17 Jan, 2009


I'm a small engine mechanic Cat. We work on gas powered equipment not electric and where I work we do lawn mowers, lawn tractors, snow blowers, tillers, chain saws, log splitters, pluggers, weed trimmers, blowers, generators, chop saws, rail grinders, pressure washers, water pumps etc etc,....pretty much everything except recreational equipment.
Chainmail gloves would be great Weedy but I wouldn't be able to work in them either. Especially on the small equipment...things are too tiny.

24 Jan, 2009


I bet your season has been busy with chain saws..and log splitters...and now I imagine eveyone is getting their spring equiptment in..

By the way...Weed's tell Abby Tabby to come down and meet her Roly..he has traveld far with TinLizzy to see his love...if you wonder where this comes from...go to Janey's blog on her garden and birds and cats...Gilli and I have dealt with her cat abuse and am now heading to our neck of the woods with the abused ones..but stopped in for a quick visit..before continuing on...we have to be on the look out for Janey and her will will be rushing out at any sign of her....keep your ears to the ground..

24 Jan, 2009


Cat and Gilli, Look in my pics for a lovely photo of GF's sheep with the "Kitty Friends," Tin Lizzy, Roly and Abby. They all look happy don't they? Abby, in typical Abby fashion is clowning for the camera.

24 Jan, 2009


Love your Abigail Tabby..she is having so much fun with Roly...oh goodness..they are the happy ones aren't Lizzy is looking so well these days...thank you for the nice of you to take it...

24 Jan, 2009


Excellent photography Weedy my friend. Well done have captured the true essence of the occasion. Just one thing.....have the violet ice slippers thawed out yet???

24 Jan, 2009


Hold'er Noot, er Gilli! Did I miss something about frozen purple slippers? Er...violet ice slippers? You'll have to 'splain that to me. I was under the impression that Roly had the famous violet slippers on his toosies when you & Cat him to Wales.

25 Jan, 2009


Ummmm...!! see....Roly has a little problem with air sickness....urmm....errr...well..we DID stop at a waterfall and wash them....Then of course, they froze into ice slippers....ummm....yeah....ahem....errrr....he he he...oops!!

25 Jan, 2009


Apparently you didn't think to put those little airsick bracelets on him? With the little knobs that press on his little throw-up nerve? Too bad. Did you manage to keep it off your own clothes, or may I expect to see you in icy jeans?

25 Jan, 2009


Would you believe that Abby is a very large cat? My feet are definitely not small. :-)

28 Jan, 2009

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