A Very Rare Photo !
By Jacque

8 Jan, 2009
Summer Loves Her Bed & Never lets Any Of My Cats In When Shes In It But Sox got in while she was outside & Summer has no choice but 2 share as shes 2 Soft2wake& Turff Him Out lol :D
Comments on this photo
awww thats a lovely photo Jacque
8 Jan, 2009
Thanx TT/Eileen i had 2 Giggle when i saw Summer Squezzing into the Basket with Sox LOL :)
8 Jan, 2009
Oh Bless Jacque.....How cute they both look Sharing heat were they.....
8 Jan, 2009
Do not let your dog know, but cats actually rule the house!
8 Jan, 2009
Yes i think they were Milky as the Rad is Nice & Hot :) I keep Summers Basket Close to Heat as she gets ill Very easy this time of year if she gets cold , Its due 2 her Lungs being Damaged from a House Fire she was saved from B4 i recused her from the Rspca Pound 8yrs ago :(
8 Jan, 2009
Lol Hi Tammi il not tell Summer 1 word of this ;) lol
8 Jan, 2009
Great photo .so cute
8 Jan, 2009
So cute i've added to my favourites.
8 Jan, 2009
Awww. Cute photo Jacque.
8 Jan, 2009
That's really sweet!
8 Jan, 2009
Aw....look how squashed up she is.......bless her!
8 Jan, 2009
Its Good 2 know so many Members like this Photo :) Thanx
8 Jan, 2009
Some members like it twice. LOL LOL
8 Jan, 2009
Ahh that is so sweet perhaps summer will let sox in more often if they keep each other warm :o)
8 Jan, 2009
U Think so Amy? Maybe if the Rads are off she`l let him lol :)
8 Jan, 2009
Summer's not silly - she's warming her rear end after sitting on the frosty ground!!
8 Jan, 2009
GREAT photo... The entire world should take a good look at this photo.
9 Jan, 2009
This is a great photo Jacque adding it to my favourites
9 Jan, 2009
:) Just had 2 take it as its a Very Very Rare Site 2 me lol :)Think il Frame it & Put it Up with some others i have :)
9 Jan, 2009
Awww bless...summer is such a softie - look how she's all sqwiched up one end so she dosent squash Sox :-)
9 Jan, 2009
I call her My Baby &my phil goes mad &says iv turned her into a rite Poffy German Shepherd LOL , Id rather her be a Big Softy than a Nasty Snappy 1 i tell him:)
9 Jan, 2009
You're right Jac! I think nice gentle people produce nice gentle dogs - you get out of them what you put in, right?
9 Jan, 2009
Yes that is so true Sarah :) Shame Not every 1 is so Gentle&Kind isnt it , Wow the World would be so wonderful wouldnt it :D im also a great beliver of We Reep what we Sow dont u ? :) x
9 Jan, 2009
Jacque...you said it in a nutshell....and you do reap what you sow.Moments like this are to cherish.
10 Jan, 2009
Absolutely Jac :-)
12 Jan, 2009
Fabulous photo, beautiful animals and definitely a moment to cherish. Summer seems to be watching out and protecting Sox; you have really great pets.
15 Jan, 2009
Thanx RB nice toknow u like my Pets as iv so many of them Summer&Sox are just 2 of 16 well 22 if u count Dollop/Plug&Co "6 African Snails":)
15 Jan, 2009
That is sooooo nice Jacque. thanks x
15 Jan, 2009
Good To See They Get On
28 Mar, 2010
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That is so cute !
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8 Jan, 2009