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My Great Spotted Pecker


By Jacque

My Great Spotted Pecker

Not seen this Guy for a little while &here he is :enjoying Some Peanuts)

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Well done shes a beauty !

9 Jan, 2009


Thanx Jane :) Shes been2my garden many time Hanging on2the Big Old Apple Tree & Peeking Away like Mad iv never seen her Eat Peanuts ? i didnt know they even liked them? :) I ment2 ask what else will those Thrushes eat as id like 2 keep them coming once the Apples have all gone :)

9 Jan, 2009


Very partial to them Jacque - unlike the Green Woodpecker that prefers insects esp those leatherjacket grubs that become daddy long legs.

If you can stand the mess smearing those fat balls or your own home made stuff into crevices and cracks in your apple tree they love as do nuthatches.

Dont worry too much about your thrushes as they are quite solitary birds they feed on seed and berries in winter months .Although no firm evidence their numbers have declined and if slug pellets harm hedgehogs then think they must harm birds that feed on slugs and snails.

Sadly because they prefer snails especially and not as adaptable as blackbirds harsh winters do see them suffer.We get occassional visitor who joins the blackbirds for sultanas and raisins.I know others have mentioned these can harm dogs if left out but they seem to be eaten by birds within minutes even overnight the birds get them first thing .

9 Jan, 2009


Nice to see the woodpecker. At the store we sell fan shaped pieces of wood that attach to bird feeders because woodpeckers feel more comfortable at a feeder when they can rest their tail against something solid.

9 Jan, 2009


Thats a good idea Gillian...didnt know that,thanks.

9 Jan, 2009


We only get green woodpeckers here, they peck about on the grass.

9 Jan, 2009


We get Northern Flickers around here sometimes, which also like to eat from the ground.

9 Jan, 2009


Yes Spritz,they will be keeping the leatherjacket population down on your lawn !Green ones often called the rain bird as they know the lawns will be soft after a shower

9 Jan, 2009


Thanx 4 that info 2 Gillian il see if i can buy a Longer Nut Feeder 2 support her Lovely Tail Feathers iv seen some great 1s in B&Qs :)

9 Jan, 2009


They'll be disappointed if they try at the moment, BB - their beaks will bend on the frosted ground! LOL.

I am horrible - I didn't mean it. Only a joke!

9 Jan, 2009


Probably explains why we never see them up here ..and the spotted ones are driven to nuts !

9 Jan, 2009



9 Jan, 2009


We get lots of the Northern Flickas around here Gillian. They are very loud in the spring when they are looking for a mate. On the farm they would sit on the barn roof, which was tin, and hammer on it. Apparently when you are a female Northern Flicka, the louder your mate can hammer the more attractive he becomes !!?? lol

9 Jan, 2009


Well done Jacque , you are doing something right to encourage all these birds in your garden :o)

9 Jan, 2009


The Greater Spotted Woodpecker visits us every day, he likes the nuts and fat balls and I now know (thanks to BB) that they boy ones have the red spot on their heads. We get the green woodpecker too, I believe they like ants. This would add up as they peck away at the lawn next to the edging slabs along the drive and I know there are ants there. They bred one year and brought their 2 babies with them to feed, a lovely sight.

9 Jan, 2009


Hi Dawn Jane here Did you see our news over on Jacques other pic? A BADGER !

9 Jan, 2009


Bet it was Graet 2 see the Off Spring with The Mummy&Daddy Woodpeckers Dawn :) i loved it when the Daddy Blackbird Fed His Flegdlings on the Big Bird Table On the Apple Tree ,Iv got pics of Them all in My Pics on My Home page :) Its Fab News 2 Jane about that Badger Maybe we could all come down In the better weather & use Dawns new Binoculars 2see it with ? :)

9 Jan, 2009


Welcometo any time!!!!

9 Jan, 2009


Hi Jane, I'll zoom over to the badger now. Yes Jacque, the woodpeckers were lovely, I was just nervous as they stayed a few minutes and I had visions of a cat appearing, they are quite big compared to the greater spotted oh and yes you can borrow my binoc's if I can borrow your camera, lol.

9 Jan, 2009


Its a Deal Dawn:) so all we have 2 do now is ok a Date with Jane &the Badger lol :)

9 Jan, 2009


Ha ha, but ... I can't find the Badger pic :-) Any pointers??

9 Jan, 2009


No pic yet Dawn..the news about it is on Jacques last woodpecker pic lol

9 Jan, 2009


Its Not a pic Dawn its Jane Saying shes seen a Badger in Her Garden :)

9 Jan, 2009


lol great minds think alike Jane lol

9 Jan, 2009

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