Pied wagtail
By Bonkersbon

10 Jan, 2009
Comments on this photo
aww isnt he cute
10 Jan, 2009
Thanks Irish and Dawn.We only have the one....been with us five days now and roosts in cedar next door.Always the first up in morning and last away at night.....put some extra mealworms out for him when all srarlings etc have gone to roost.Pop them by the base of an old tree srump and he runs over to them every evening !
10 Jan, 2009
He's learnt where he is well off then!
10 Jan, 2009
Think so Pg .......
10 Jan, 2009
I have a couple come to the garden but one always chases the other away. One is a slightly lighter colour than the other, more grey than black.
10 Jan, 2009
Apparently the female has more grey Gee...so might be chasing away a male..typical !
10 Jan, 2009
He is lovely BB and trusts you to feed him :o)
10 Jan, 2009
Oh he does Amy..wouldnt dare not folllow routine now ...he expects his few mealworms to be waiting for him.!
10 Jan, 2009
I love the way these little creatures look to us with such trust , I wish the whole world was like it !
It worries me if we are away I feel guilty that they are not following the same routine and wonder if they will all be gone when we come home , they are always waiting , it,s like returning to family friends :o)
10 Jan, 2009
Probably why we dont often go away Amy !
10 Jan, 2009
Ha...there he is again......great pic BB.
11 Jan, 2009
Oh Janey..what a bossy little bird he is.Been putting a few mealworms round the base of old tree stump for him,and he has been stood by it like a liittle sentry most of the day,chasing off any other bird that dares approach it !!
11 Jan, 2009
Lovely Photo :)I had a Bird Very Like This Come close2My Pond Last Friday Jane/Ray but its belly/Chest looked a Pale Yellow colour?Would that maybe the Grey Wagtail?
11 Jan, 2009
Well done Jacque - yes sounds like one , there is also a yellow wagtail but these much brighter and more yellow . All these birds flocking to your garden never had one here but then no wagtail till Janey mentioned it,
no bullfinch till Dawn said something .
Perhaps Dawn will talk more about her kingfisher then we ll get one too !
11 Jan, 2009
OMG A King Fisher iv never seen a real1of those :) Iv got a Plastic 1 by pond holding a Fish in its beak lol :)
11 Jan, 2009
Ooh didn't see Dawns KF.....am going to have a look now.!
11 Jan, 2009
Hi Janey,Dawn not got a pic yet,but has talked about a kingfisher visiting her pond.Heres hoping !!
11 Jan, 2009
Hi There - sorry folks, no pic yet. I need a heated hide, (Jane says BB is going to build me one, ha ha, only joking) and then I need two nice people with good cameras to take shots! Joking apart, I really need to get a pic, I know if I wait long enough he will arrive. I always hear him before I see him. I've stuck a stick in the pond which he lands on, but I've never seen him catch anything yet. When I saw it for the first time it did take my breath away. The colour is unbelievable and then when he flies you see his rusty coloured underside and they are quite small too. The nest is in place - I'll update you soon.
11 Jan, 2009
Great Dawn,cant wait for update.Jane here now catching up a bit.Hope you had a good weekend !
11 Jan, 2009
Hiiiii, yes fine thanx, warmer but very windy today. I'm going to try and get a photo of the kingfisher and then I will include info about the nest we've made.
11 Jan, 2009
Wow i bet your heart Stopped when u saw him so u wouldnt frighten him away Dawn :)
11 Jan, 2009
When I first saw one just caught glimpse of the blue flash...wonderful...remember when young had thought they were big birds for some reason.
11 Jan, 2009
Yep, just froze when I saw it. The good thing is, you know they are around by the distinctive call. When he landed on the stick for the first time, I just froze, didnt have binoculars (of course) and he stayed a while. It tends to land on the bullrush heads too. I thought they were big too Jane - I cannot describe how blue they are - its like they are illuminated.
11 Jan, 2009
OOOOOOOooooo sounds so Beautiful i love Blue :)
11 Jan, 2009
LIke Jane says Jacque, you see just a flash of blue and it's gone :-(
11 Jan, 2009
Jacque its like magic...and everything around you seems to fade away when you see him [if that makes sense ?]
11 Jan, 2009
Yes i know what u mean Jane :) i think thats how i get when i see a New Bird come2my garden :)
11 Jan, 2009
Exactlt Jacque...like when I first saw little trotty in this pic five days ago...and now he stays in our garden nearly all day bossing the other birds Hes got real attitude !
11 Jan, 2009
Yes iv Noticed since those 2Thrushes have joined my Birds in the garden the BlackBirds have come 2 eat closer to My House as the Thrushes Dive@them & have taken over the Apple Tree Area of the Garden !Its seems 1 eats while the other keeps Guard of the Food&1eatting? are`nt they clever :) They also have 4 Places they land on after Diving? The Top Of Arch,Lining Line Post ,Bird Table & Apple Tree Bird Table ?
11 Jan, 2009
Agree with you....ours all have different vantage points they go to watch whats going on....and chase away any other bird that invades their space too much...a bit like humans eh! ?
11 Jan, 2009
Yeah Humans @ War ! :/ Hope My Other Birds wont leave ? Iv put out Apples ect near Pond Bird Table Now so the Thrushes dont see what their eatting :) Iv seen the Little Wren this Morning 2:)
11 Jan, 2009
You know what, this bird watching is affecting my domestic chores, lol. I've always got one eye on the bird table - very distracting but I love it.
11 Jan, 2009
Domestic chores....what are they ?lol
11 Jan, 2009
LOL knw what u mean Dawn :) i only wash-up2watch the Birds from My Kitchen Window or itd be stacked to ceiling come fridays lol
11 Jan, 2009
Whats that Poem ? Hows it go....gardening forever house work when ever lol
11 Jan, 2009
LOL I wait for BB to finish washing up then push him to one side...like I do with the computer now LOL
11 Jan, 2009
O Jane thats so Funny :) When i make a Brew 4 Phil&Kids its almost cold by time iv finished cos i get Looking @ Birds &frget what im doing lol
11 Jan, 2009
Glad it's not just me that's distracted but the birds are much more interesting. Good incentive 2 get the washing up done then jacque.,
11 Jan, 2009
Ditto Jacque...have been known to boil the kettle about three times,get so distracted.!Am going now Boss...bathtime...night night xx
11 Jan, 2009
night night Dawn...both ...xx
11 Jan, 2009
Chat soon Jane im off 2 got Packing up2do :) Good thing its dark @ nites :) lol XXX
11 Jan, 2009
Bye Jane.
11 Jan, 2009
Bye Jacque.
11 Jan, 2009
Sweet Dreams Dawn XX
11 Jan, 2009
What a handsome bird ! Looks like he's all dressed up in his formals and is ready for the menu. chop, chop..., time's a wastin'....hehe.
12 Jan, 2009
Yes Flc....as we say here all dressed up in his best bib and tucker...waiting for his mealworms...
13 Jan, 2009
Knowing you two, I bet he didn't have to wait long ! He just doesn't know how lucky he is to have found YOUR yard, then again, maybe he does, that's why he's not leaving ...:-)
13 Jan, 2009
Flc...he has made himself totally at home.We put mealworms round the base of the tree stump twice a day He comes along,pretends not to be interested,then grags one and runs.Lol..what have we started ?
14 Jan, 2009
Sounds like you've laid the ground work for alot of future Goy'ers plenty of winter entertainment Bonkers...lol
21 Jan, 2009
Winter entertainment Flc...its all year long round here lol
21 Jan, 2009
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He's nice, we get a few in the garden but they don't tend to visit the feeding stations.
10 Jan, 2009