Good Morning GOY
By Ams

11 Jan, 2009
Dawn 11 Jan 09
Comments on this photo
Hi ya Hywel, glad to see someone else enjoys the sanest part of the day when all the crazy people are still in bed. I rise at 6.30 on Sundays, washing machine on, bake a loaf of bread, load GOY, breakfast, hoover house, all done to visit the garden centre for 10.30.
11 Jan, 2009
Oh my, you early birds put me to shame. What a stunning sunrise!
11 Jan, 2009
~gorgeous Ams! you put the rest of us to shame!
11 Jan, 2009
beautiful sunrise
11 Jan, 2009
Fantastic photo Ams ,it,s not often that i,m up this early , I think I would make the effort for some of your home made bread .. I can almost smell it Mmmm :o)
11 Jan, 2009
Lovely sunrise, must admit i'm always up about 7am every morning.
11 Jan, 2009
Fantastic photo - glorious colours. I really should go to bed earlier!!
11 Jan, 2009
I am another early bird..most often up by 5 a.m. your sunrise was so beautiful Ams..and you get a lot done too!...I tend to sit and drink coffee ..listen to the news and read e-mail and goy and then get on with the is my waking up time and having something to wake up to as well is a blessing when you live alone.
11 Jan, 2009
I'm like you Catfinch, up early. I have a passion for reading so that's when I get to read my books - 7 for Christmas so I'm having a lovely time at the moment. GOY-ing is a good idea though. Lovely photo Ams.
11 Jan, 2009
What a gorgeous photo. Was the weather nasty that day? Pink sky in morning, sailors take warning.
11 Jan, 2009
Beautiful photo
11 Jan, 2009
Gorgeous photo Ams. Gone on my favourites.
11 Jan, 2009
I love reading as well MTree I always ask for books but since joining GOY they seem to be piling up maybe I should start to get up earlier , I can,t go to bed early thats the problem it,s nearer 12 than 11 pm :o)
11 Jan, 2009
Sunday the weather was great, pleasant enough to wash the salt and grit off my car.
12 Jan, 2009
Put this on my favourites too! I love sunrise and sunset and take way too many pictures of them but they are all amazing to me.
15 Jan, 2009
I can beat that Ams - up at 5.15am every day (Sunday included)! It's the best time of the day, in the summer when it's light there are so many things you can do in the garden before going to the office! I even pick a few flowers to take into work to my friends. They're impressed when I tell them they were picked in what they call the middle of the night! From my desk of an evening at work we get some lovely sun sets. Tonight the sky was ablaze with orange, yellow, red, blue and purple, shame I didn't have my camera there to snap the shot. It was wonderful. The mornings are definately more productive than the afternoons. Lovely pic!
19 Jan, 2009
Well done GF, I will not feel so lonely next Sunday knowing you are up and about making the most of the day. I am able to draw much energy from sun rise/sets and rainbows, the older I become the more I am in tune with nature and appreciate its great gift to us.
20 Jan, 2009
A lovely picture Ams!
22 Jan, 2009
Wow, fantastic wake up call, well worth getting up early for !
27 Jan, 2009
This is so beautiful Ams!!! Where ever have gone? Haven't seen you around these parts in ages??? Hope that all is well :)
16 Oct, 2009
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Good Morning Anette :o)
Dawn is the best time of day.
11 Jan, 2009