Resident of compost bin.
By Toto

20 Jan, 2009
Comments on this photo
good photo Toto. welcome to GOY
21 Jan, 2009
Great photo. Welcome to GOY Toto. This is certainly snake looking. Is a slow worm a type of snake?
22 Jan, 2009
Hi Gilli.
No a slow-worm is not a snake, it is a legless lizard and along with the three true British snakes it is a protected species. The male is generally a dark silver colour while the female is more golden brown. If attacked by a predator it can shed it's tail in the same way that some other lizards do.
22 Jan, 2009
LOL, Toto. I thought that maybe you were being funny about giant slow-worms in your compost bin. Ooops, I see I spelled Kansas wrong as well. Here's a website about slow-worms for anyone who is interested:
The article also says that they have eyelids, unlike snakes.
22 Jan, 2009
That's interesting Toto. Thanks for the website Tastey. I'll have to go and educate myself !! lol
23 Jan, 2009
Very interesting Toto...looks as though this one knows what is up and has the run of a very nice pile of are very good at capturing these little fellows..I am impressed!
28 Jan, 2009
Love these things! Used to catch them and keep them for a few days to observe them.
Welcome to GoY!
3 Feb, 2009
Thanks for your welcome Gillian and thanks to everyone else for their comments.
3 Feb, 2009
Brilliant photo. I love these little creatures but don't often see them - last one was on the bowling green - he successfully stopped play until we could move him to safety - didn't want him bowled over!
7 Feb, 2009
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Hey Toto welcome to GoY. You're not in Kanasas anymore and that's a snake not a worm...
21 Jan, 2009