The garden from the road

22 Jan, 2009
Front garden 2008 Bird bath bed
Comments on this photo
Thanks for your comments. I've got so many photos of my garden it's nice to show some to other garden lovers.
22 Jan, 2009
Cant wait 2 see more of your lovely garden PTG im sure other members will enjoy them 2 :)
22 Jan, 2009
That looks great...............
22 Jan, 2009
Looks lovely!
24 Jan, 2009
Very pretty front garden :o)
25 Jan, 2009
looks beautiful..neat and tidy
31 Jan, 2009
lovely pics all round,
11 Feb, 2009
Very pretty well thought out is that lavender in the middle? if so you have the smell too.
9 Jun, 2009
Pictures by paulthegardener
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Hi Paulthegardener welcome2GOY i love Your Birdbath&Garden it looks great :)
22 Jan, 2009