Hummingbird feeding on white phlox
By Elke

22 Jan, 2009
The hummingbirds love the tall phlox blooms. South shore, Nova Scotia in July, 2008.
Comments on this photo
Thanks! We look forward to the return of the hummingbirds each year. You wouldn't believe how they fight over the feeders, even with all the flowers in the garden. They buzz around our heads when we get too close to the feeders too. Your garden looks interesting! I grew up in Cornwall.
22 Jan, 2009
I love the West Country ~
Devon and surrounding areas.
Do you miss Cornwall ?
With the birds and flowers in Nova Scotia, I guess Canada has a lot to offer. :o)
22 Jan, 2009
fantastic photo. welcome to GOY
22 Jan, 2009
I don't miss the crowds, busy roads and cramped spaces (compared to here), but of course I miss the wild coastline, beaches and familiar scenery - and the early spring! We have to wait until June before the rhododendrons bloom. I've got to used to having space around me here, and winters are milder than they were in Montreal. What we don't have is a lot of public access to the coast - you are so lucky to have public footpaths and the National Trust. Luckily we have a 2-mile public beach within sight, and several more within a few minutes drive. But most of the coastline is privately owned and fiercely protected by its owners. Here's a public photo album of a local beach - in a provincial park called Rissers Beach 5 minutes away, in winter:
22 Jan, 2009
Love the Hummingbird..... that is a beautiful pic Elke.
22 Jan, 2009
Lovely hummingbird. What kind is he? We mostly just get Rufous Hummers in BC with a few Caliope for fun.
23 Jan, 2009
He's a ruby-throated. That's the only species we get here.
23 Jan, 2009
Nice clarity on your hummingbird. Are you using a tripod? I like to photograph the hummingbirds too :) It's a challenge, but very satisfying when you get a winner, like this. I haven't been photographing them lately. I kind of went crazy for them for a while and now I'm taking a break :) Nice to see yours though. I've got some pics of them on my plot, if you'd like to have a look. If I can find out which page they're on (I have a lot of photos on here) I'll let you know.
23 Jan, 2009
Thanks, Tasteyg. Everyone is being so kind and welcoming on GOY. No, no tripod, just my trusty Fuji FinePix S5500 set on Auto focus. I am a bird watcher and have had good success with this camera. I notice the GOY site reduces/compresses the photo quite a bit (understandably). The original is 1.6 MB and a lot clearer. I was pleased with it too. The hummingbird was extremely cooperative, of course. They get quite tame and used to us being close. They let us know when they arrive back up here in spring by tapping on the glass at the indoor geraniums. Then we know to put the feeders out. Amazing how they find their way back to the same spot each year. Or so it seems - they seem to be the same birds, familiar with the territory.
23 Jan, 2009
Great Shot Elke&welcome :)
23 Jan, 2009
A lovely shot Elke and welcome to GOY ....... :O)
23 Jan, 2009
Beautiful shot Elke, a big welcome to GOY.
23 Jan, 2009
Amazing photo.
28 Jan, 2009
so so lucky to have these, I have a life long fascination with these incredible little creatures. My first encounter was at London zoo as a ten year old. Walked into this large open humid hummingbird house & three incredible creatures zoomed into my face & hovered there for ages just looking straight at me making a noise I'd never heard a bird make before, hooked !
17 Jan, 2012
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Wonderful photo.
Welcome to GoY.
Enjoy :o)
22 Jan, 2009