Cyril busy outside his drey.
By Bonkersbon

23 Jan, 2009
Stripping bark for his nest.
Comments on this photo
And a good time was had by all ....i,m glad to see Cyril home safely . ....... LOL ........
A good photo BB ........ I have noticed that the bottom foot of several trees up the lane have been stripped by rabbits , I think they will be lucky to get over it ..............
23 Jan, 2009
Good sign babies are on their way if Cyril is nest building, his drey looks very picturesque, I think Twiggy is a very lucky lady!
23 Jan, 2009
Exellent Pic of Cyril BB.. A customer was telling me today you can buy Squirrell crisps now :)
23 Jan, 2009
Thanks Irish and Amy....think hes got a bit anxious waiting for Twiggy so frantically stripping bark as fast as he can...hint hint !
Thanks Dawn..the drey is deep in the thick ivy,halfway up the huge tree.
Daisydee SQUIRREL crisps....eenough to send poor Cyril scatting lol...but I do seem to remember hedgehog crisps a while back ?
23 Jan, 2009
~it seems very early BB?
23 Jan, 2009
Great photo Bonkers Cyril sure is one busy squirrel..
23 Jan, 2009
Hi Arlene...apparently they nest twice a year..December to January or August to September.So looks like these will be spring babies !
Thanks Janette...hes been behaving like this for about five days now !
23 Jan, 2009
Poor expectant Cyril! I wonder if Twiggy has told him to go out and strip bark just to get him out of the house... x-)
23 Jan, 2009
Yes Sid...he usually gets sent out for a pint,but shes got other ideas for him now !lol Make yourself useful man........
23 Jan, 2009
Plenty of hot water and clean towells...............LOL
23 Jan, 2009
Yes Sid..hope hes a lot more useful than most men...tend to faint or run for the hills lol
23 Jan, 2009
Great photo - no activity of this sort in my neck of the woods yet. I don't even know where Tufty lives. Look forward to seeing all the little squirreletts.
23 Jan, 2009
Wonder what the famale squirrels know that I don', would love to know their secrets on how to get my hubby that eager to be
23 Jan, 2009
Dont get Jane started Flower ! lol Sure Tufty will bring his friend back Gee , Cyril disappeared for a while and returned with Twiggy as if to say its Ok here .He wont be far away with that great menu !
23 Jan, 2009
LOL....good point Flcrazy.
Great photo BB. I can't wait to see the little family.
24 Jan, 2009
Thanks Gilli...sometime in May if calculations are correct lol
24 Jan, 2009
BB, has the drey been made in a dead tree? I think the squirrel we see uses an old green woodpecker nest in a dead/dying ash tree, although I've not seen him months now.
24 Jan, 2009
No dawn the big beech tree is very much alive in the churchyard next door.Its half covered in very thick ivy and the drey is deep within...probably in a hollow or where the tree forks. Shalll have to shimmy up and have a look ! [only joking ]
24 Jan, 2009
Oh, yes - we will all be waiting to see the babies, so out with the ladder, BB!
I will let you off climbing the tree without a ladder. :-).
24 Jan, 2009
Thanks Spritz....boyhood days of climbing trees definitely over and gone !
24 Jan, 2009
OMG BB, while you're up there you can install the web cam! Come on, you're still a boy at heart, but be careful, lol.
24 Jan, 2009
Hmm now that might not be a bad idea Dawn ! Was toying with installing one of those nestbox cameras at some stage.Did you see on Springwatch where they followed the progress of all the chicks ? Remember the cannibal baby owl ?
24 Jan, 2009
No, sorry, didnt see the cannibal baby owl :-) probably pleased i didnt lol, would be lovely to see the baby squirrels progress though and then you could be on Spring Watch too, and your much more knowledgeable than Bill Oddie, ha ha.
24 Jan, 2009
I should send you my Husband's outdoor camera he got for Christmas LAST year !!! That man still hasn't opened it yet....! Sad isn't it ?!
25 Jan, 2009
Saw those pics he took around the lake and in the woods.Bet if you offered to give it away he d suddenly find a use for it.We men store things for years on the grounds that we might need it one day ! lol
25 Jan, 2009
Love 2 hear storys of People Storing items BB,My Dear Dad was the Same :) When he passed away 15yr ago we found so many wonderful items/things we never knew he had :) Thats how Antiques& Rare Finds happen i guess :) I love 2 see Pics OF Your Cyril :) Is Twiggy stil around BB?X
27 Jan, 2009
Lovely photo of Cyril and look forward to seeing more as the year unfolds!
27 Jan, 2009
I 'KNOW' he would BB... It drives me insane .. LOL.
27 Jan, 2009
Storing items Jacque ? oh dont get me or Jane esp. started ! lol think it has to be a man thing I ll just put that by you never know when it ll come in handy.Sound familiar Flower ?
Thanks Sunblest - think given what Cyril and Twiggy up to now theres every chance of seeing a lot more ....
27 Jan, 2009
Ooh great BB.....he's settling down now....hope his mortgage on that drey wasn't too much....can always ask Dad for a loan! lol........So looking forward to seeing the babies!!
30 Jan, 2009
It was a self build special rates at his local "branch " !!
30 Jan, 2009
30 Jan, 2009
30 Jan, 2009
~what does the drey look like BB~we have squirrels in the local wood but don't know what or where to look for it?
Cyril must be doing better than most of the population who can't seem to get anything from the banks!
30 Jan, 2009
Bless you Arlene...the drey is deep in the thick ivy covering the tree.Just see him coming in and out regularly..a camera would be great...perhaps thats why Dawns kingfisher given up trying to get anything out of those banks lol
30 Jan, 2009
I think everyone is giving up BB! Nobody is buying anything!
~there are a lot of boxes of all sizes in the trees so will jiust have to keep an eye on them to see what if anything moves in..There is a bird that I can hear but not see when I am in the woods and I would love to know what it is. I am looking forward to hearing the cd of birdsong which is coming with the bird book my hubby bought for me ~might be delivered tomorrow!
30 Jan, 2009
Think in these times Arlene...maybe people are starting to look closely at things which are you say the birdsong which cant be easily identified...the boxes which may be inhabited by what ? The bird song cd sounds lovely..hope you hear them in your garden too !
30 Jan, 2009
~I have blackbirds and robins which sing their socks off in the gardens round here which is good but this is different .....
name that birdsong....?
30 Jan, 2009
Ok Arlene..please listen to it and try to describe,,,will promise to try and identify !!!
30 Jan, 2009
~very plaintive ~tweet,tweet.tweet.tweet.tweet tweet and then a pause and then another five or six tweets! quite loudly!Sorry BB that's the best I can do !
30 Jan, 2009
Well Arlene know youre in Wales but the Robert Browning poem - Home thoughts from abroad - Oh to be in Enland now that Spring is here includes the line thats the wise thrush ..he sings each song twice over ,comes to mind. Lovely poem about spring so joyful.x
30 Jan, 2009
~I know the poem BB it is lovely
~I sometimes see a thrush on the way to the woods but never in my garden~will probably play the birdsong cd to death until I know for sure~cotton wool for my son and hubby~ for their ears!
30 Jan, 2009
Last year I treated my canary Jasper to a Birdsong cd.....for Wintertime as she spends all her time indoors then. Come Spring she will go in the greenhouse with the door open and listen to the garden birds. The one thing she sings to is the Dyson lol!
31 Jan, 2009
He he Janey .Mary our parrot repeats the tune to Direct Line telephones ad and McDonalds I m loving it .Really surprised she hadsnt tried selling us sofas ....
31 Jan, 2009
Hi Guys, my husband is a hoarder too ... I guess you men are all the same and he won't part with anything, you know, just in case, lol. John heard the kingfisher yesterday but didnt see him - must get a camera sorted but likewise, watching the pennies.
31 Jan, 2009
Hi least the spice boxes came in handy for sparrow flats.No takers yet but very early days and sparrows are late nesters anyway.What does the kingfisher sound like Dawn? Never heard one...
31 Jan, 2009
Hiiii BB, hope all is well. I will agree, you men are good at producing things from stock to put to good use, lol. Right the kingfisher is quite loud for a small bird, its a continuous pipping sound, high pitched, monotone. I'm sure if we set the camera up on the tripod and waited long enough we would get a shot of him, one day, one day ....
31 Jan, 2009
Dawn..wait for a nice day !! Dont know about you but in for more snow and biting winds next couple of days here.Posted a couple of new pics today,but icy wind soon set in by midday.
31 Jan, 2009
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brilliant photo BB
23 Jan, 2009