Yummy...., Chunky peanutbutter...My favorite !
By Flcrazy

23 Jan, 2009
Comments on this photo
WOW says Cyril...now that would make a nice change from nuts.Do you have jelly in your peanut butter ? Not something we have here lol
23 Jan, 2009
having another look at this photo, its brilliant. just look at his wee back paws
23 Jan, 2009
Yes Irish all splayed out and clinging on !
23 Jan, 2009
It's hanging on for dear life and eating like there's no tomorrow...lol. They really do love the peanutbutter that still has the peanut pieces in it. We have peanutbutter with jelly mixed together in jars here, but never given any of it to them, my son Brandon eats it all...lol.
23 Jan, 2009
Wonderful photo Jerrie....there you are right on it again!
23 Jan, 2009
Thanks Irish, Bonkers and Janey. They certainly are a blast to watch. Wish I had a third of their energy...lol.
23 Jan, 2009
Me too LOL...great to see their resoursefulness though..think we could all learn from it lol
23 Jan, 2009
Gorgeous photo Flcrazy!
24 Jan, 2009
Its amazing he isn't as chunky as the peanut butter. LOL
24 Jan, 2009
So bold! And he's obviously got you twined around his little paw.
24 Jan, 2009
Thanks everyone, they certainly are addictive !
24 Jan, 2009
I made a comment on your other picture about the grey squirrels coming back...perhaps I have it wrong...I think perhaps they are hybridizing!! this lovely little beauty has both red and grey fur!! squirrelus variegatus!
24 Jan, 2009
After doing alittle research Lori, I believe these are probably greys, I read in rare instances, some greys can have splotches of reddish fur and I think it's more predominant in the winter.
24 Jan, 2009
Lovely photograph! Unusual colouring for a Squirrel. Where are you? Here in the UK we have only grey ones now apart from on the Isle of Wight and one other place I cannot recall name of now. When you say jelly, do you mean what we here call jam? Here can be bought peanut butter mixed with chocolate spread but not wth jam. There is both smooth and crunchy available here, too.
24 Jan, 2009
~we do have red squirrels in Northumberland.the Lake district and Scotland~unusual to see one like this!
25 Jan, 2009
I'm on the east coast of USA Joyoustub. We have jelly, jam and preserves here . Jelly is made from fruit juice only. No pulp or seeds. It's firm like jello.
Jam,is made from fruit pulp or crushed fruit (and is less stiff than jelly as a result). In preserves, chunks of fruit are used to make it ,and it has more of a syrup consistancy. Our peanut butter in a jar comes mixed with jelly only, no jam. It has a strip of peanutbutter then a strip of jelly and so on, that runs from the top to the bottom of a clear see through jar.Just imagine looking at a peppermint candy cane, that's how it looks in the jar, only it's brown and purple instead of red and white...lol. I'm not very good at describing things...lol. Probably got everyone more confused than ever....;-)
25 Jan, 2009
Now that is clever peanut butter and jelly all in one....how much can you ship out to me Flcrazy, we could make ourselves a small fortune here...
Fantastic picture, you just cant help admiring the little critters can you, I might change my mind by the end of the week though, have purchased my first wild bird feeder, putting it up tomorrow watch this space...
26 Jan, 2009
Lol, you might be onto something Dotty, but we need to do something about those high shipping prices first ....
Good luck with your bird feeder, hope you still think the squirrels are adorable by the end of next week...lol. Can't wait to hear the outcome.
26 Jan, 2009
We also make a sandwich here called the Fluffernutter, made of peanut butter and marshmallow fluff. Wonder what the squirrels would make of that?!
27 Jan, 2009
Aaaahhh man..., Gillian , that sounds heavenly....mmmm...., think I might be taking a quick trip to the grocery store today....LOL. I can't quit smiling, just thinking about marshmallow fluff....;-) That reminds me, it's been too long since I ate a mallowcup, um... yummy !
27 Jan, 2009
Go for it Flcrazy! Got me thinking about s'mores now.......
27 Jan, 2009
Lovely photos Flc. Gillian, that Fluffernutter sandwich sounds just like the one I used to eat at the health farm. When caught I insisted it was only to keep my energy levels up. Lol.
28 Jan, 2009
LOL, good one John ! Question is, did they believe you....?!...lol
28 Jan, 2009
Gillian that fluffer thing sounds the business, you are keeping me on my toes(keep changing you pic)
29 Jan, 2009
Ever made a grilled tahini and minimarshmallow sandwich? Just a squidge of cinnamon on top!
29 Jan, 2009
Tahini is very healthy. Not too sure about the marshmallows. Are they *slimline* marshmallows? Because that would be OK.
29 Jan, 2009
slimline marshmallows now theres a thing......just remembered I bought some and put them in the cupboard.......thanks John, excuse me while I, lol
29 Jan, 2009
Good focus - eye nice and sharp.
1 Feb, 2009
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23 Jan, 2009