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Trellis bed, Jan 09

Trellis bed, Jan 09

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Looking good.
Which "soil strip" are we on ?
Neutral ? Lol :o)

27 Jan, 2009


Acutally if readings are correct this is on the Acidic side, same side as Pieris, and Rhododenron, although the dianthus pinks are doing ok here, so who knows lol

27 Jan, 2009


Looking very nice Majeekah...have you put bark on the top?

27 Jan, 2009


You obviously don't have jumbo-jet sized wood pigeons that squash your pansies, Angie! lol. The border's filling up well.

27 Jan, 2009


thank you, and yes Janey i use B & Q organic mulch - my own brew compost not ready as yet. i think this is based on part composted bark, which is very fibourus and spikey, which i find helps out with slimy menace protection this time of year, although every were i dig i keep finding eggs....nemaslug here i come!..and yes Spritz, i do get some big ones, but can say that i have seen them sitting on my flowers though lol maybe because they have plenty to occupy them in the tree, what with all the bird feeders, but they do like sitting on top of the trellis and poohing all over my roses.

28 Jan, 2009


hahaha wonder if pidgeon poop is acidic.?? Is that the secret of your lovely roses??

30 Jan, 2009


lol - did ya notice the poor Rhodo that is not too happy under the tree covered in pidgeon poop? i don't think so Lori lol more like all my TLC that makes them sooooo lovely ! :-)

30 Jan, 2009

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This photo is of "7. Trellis Bed" in Majeekahead's garden

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