welcome to my home
By Powderbrush

29 Jan, 2009
This is how the front of our home looks in the summertime. We sit here often to drink some tea in the evenings and just watch the world go by.
Comments on this photo
Your home looks very welcoming Powder. It must be very nice to sit there with a cuppa.
30 Jan, 2009
Looks like a nice place to sit Powderbrush,welcome to GOY.
30 Jan, 2009
Thanks for the welcome. If I lived closer I'd join you for a cuppa :o)
30 Jan, 2009
Its A Stunning Entrance Pbrush very welcomimg :)
30 Jan, 2009
It looks lovely and you have sunshine I am forgetting what that looks like
30 Jan, 2009
that is beautiful looking , a very nice entrance to your home
30 Jan, 2009
thanks kindly everyone. Ah, one tries ones best eh? Every summer there are of course different flowers in the pots. Variety is the spice of life? right.
30 Jan, 2009
tomorrow iam coming to your home
28 Aug, 2009
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It is a beautiful spot - perfect for a cuppa! Gorgeous blooms.
29 Jan, 2009