front courtyard
By Powderbrush

29 Jan, 2009
The garden was raised for me, by my husband. I design, he builts. haha. anyway, I like my front garden and I have noticed that sometimes, people stand in front of it and just enjoy the look of it. We sit here often during evenings, just to see the world go by and greet the neighbours.
Many homes in the Netherlands, have courtyards like these in the front of their homes or in the back. We don't have any grass growing. I have no time to mowe lawns.. To much to do in my garden... but I love the grass growing in other people's gardens. I also love to watch them mowe their lawns.
Comments on this photo
Thanks kindly Bernieh for your comments on our photographs. am still trying to get the rest in. just have to take a bit of time to do it as am not a pc wizz.
30 Jan, 2009
Am enjoying them so far! I think you're doing just fine.
30 Jan, 2009
Not surprised that people stop and look - has anyone else in your development done anything similar? You are an inspiration!
30 Jan, 2009
nooo the front gardens are nothing to write home about. Just one lady. aah, I LOVE her garden. We two are about the only ones, doing something really. She's English and so between us? we keep each other inspired. Several of my gardenplants have ended up in hers, as her plot in this cooperative? is larger than mine. There are 2 others in this coop. hihi, they're man and their women, can't stand the gardens. They too, come to visit ours always. I mean the English lady's and mine and we always razz them about theirs, As most of their garden is about their ponds. They always have probs with algae and come to find out in ours why we don't ever have any... I just told them that at full moons? I dance and sing and go around with inscence... and they just look. Until one day, my hub came home laughing his head off and told me that he caught one of them. going around with incense too. hihihihi...
but no, unfortunately, the rest of the people aren't really gardeners. it looks like overgrown grass everywhere and fallen down fences.... actually, my english neighbours garden? looks better than mine. At least I think so.
30 Jan, 2009
Hope the dancing and singing worked for them - great story!
30 Jan, 2009
Sorry I'm confused. Is part of Canada called the Netherlands ? I've always thought of Holland as the Netherlands, - but that may be because I'm European. lol
30 Jan, 2009
I am wondering that too as a brit I thought the Netherlands was Holland....still either way a lovely area to sit and something you would rarely if ever see in the Uk
23 Aug, 2014
Dear Samantharic.
the name of my country is: The Netherlands... that IS where I grew up.. Holland are ONLY the two most western provinces in that country.
However.. I? Live in Canada. soooo the Netherlands is NOT Holland, there is more to The Netherlands then just Holland.. the Netherlands has 11 provinces of which North Holland and South Holland are 2 of the 11 provinces...
And although we do not have any place or cityname in Canada named for that country.. there IS a town in Michigan and elsewhere in the US.. that has the Name of those 2 provinces as their town's names. just can't remember exactly where they are in the US. As you know.. before Britain got into the new american world.. it was dutch held.. by governor Peter Stuyvesant.. afterward New Amsterdam was changed to New York...
there are a rather goodly amount of Dutch people living in Canada, counting back to those early pioniering days.
a lot of my design for my garden is somewhat dutch/belgian.. as we don't have grass there too much in our gardens.. too much watering and cutting grass.. There ARE people who have grass in their gardens.. but how they maintain it? I haven't got a clue. There are now people busy in the Netherlands trying to get people of this courtyard design and return to putting down grass though.
26 Aug, 2014
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You have done a great job on this lovely front courtyard - no wonder people stop and take the time to look!
29 Jan, 2009