Just For Fun !!!!!!!!!!!!
By Jacque

2 Feb, 2009
How Many Butterflys can u see in this Pic???
Comments on this photo
lol O Mag hope your eyes have straightened out ok 4u2 give an answer ? :) lol
2 Feb, 2009
Nice pic Jacque - got to your age then gave up...21 ?
2 Feb, 2009
lol Im Flattered BB :) lol
2 Feb, 2009
I got 21 too whats the prize for the right answer? love the budilea very pretty colour.
2 Feb, 2009
Just 4 fun this 1 PP :D but Donnas doing Name The 2 Turkeys for a Packet of Yummy Paxo On 1 Of Her Blogs :)
2 Feb, 2009
I see 20 ,nice photo Jacque ...
2 Feb, 2009
No... only 20 flutterbyes
2 Feb, 2009
Thanx Janette this is The Buddleja i saved from Growing out of a Foot Path it was only about 6inches lol Now its over 6ft & is only 2yrs old! Keep Counting il give Answer 2morw ;)
2 Feb, 2009
Hi Jacque...are you getting the snow in Norfolk?
2 Feb, 2009
I think 20 Jacque , it,s very pretty ;o)
2 Feb, 2009
Glad u like it Amy :) Been snowing here lots2day so iv stayed indoors most of it Lori, But it slowed rite down about 7ish & Its now 930pm &its almost all gone now:/ Hate when it goes 2 Slop :(
2 Feb, 2009
one is hiding ... :(
I only can see 19
2 Feb, 2009
oh you have my sympathies, Jacque...Slush is the worst thing to drive in...no traction...lol. hope it doesn't stay on the ground...did the school kids get a holiday today? My kids used to pray for "snow day" s.... it was video games and hot chocolate during the morning and building and defending snow forts in the afternoon! I counted 21 also..
3 Feb, 2009
I see 20 Jacque :-)
3 Feb, 2009
I don't know how many there are but they match the flowers nicely Jacque. lol
3 Feb, 2009
Glad u like the Pic Hywel i did try2get the Butterflies the Same colour as Flowers 2make it Harder 2find them :) & 4 all those Who Z they Counted 20 Your All Correct :)
3 Feb, 2009
Phew, get worried about my eye sight these days so that's a relief Jacque. Much snow in your garden today???
3 Feb, 2009
hi Dawn Snows all gone nothing here only a Lovely Sunny Sky2day :)do u have Snow There ?:)
3 Feb, 2009
It stopped snowing last night Jacque. We had 4 inches. Minus 4 this morning and only just above freezing now (1pm) so still thick snow everywhere! We're right in the middle of the country so got us on its way from the East on its way west.
3 Feb, 2009
Looking Pretty There Then :) It was very Frosty here this Morning 2 but no snow it seemed to thaw last nite ? The Temp went up to 2.5 here from -1.5 in less than an hr! Very Wierd or what ? :/ Suns So Lovely Now :) Suns Forecast 4 to morw 2 But says more b4 wked but i think itl be Sleet :)
3 Feb, 2009
I dont think we'll have any more now, sun trying to come out. Got the news on and Wales and the South West have loads of snow today.
3 Feb, 2009
I was telling Eileen/Irish in a PM that i think Spring is almost here & The Weather will get better now weve had some snow fall? I think its true what Scientists ect say that the Planets Seasons are now 2/3 weeks earlier now Dawn dont u? I noticed that last yr2!
3 Feb, 2009
Yes Jacque, that's probably true, I think the start/finish times of all the seasons has changed in recent years, this Autumn was lovely, even better than the summer in some ways.
3 Feb, 2009
Can't count right now Jacque...just had a few Fiji Beers...LOL...nah I'mjust kidding, I can count 19 of them,but this is fun and a lovely picture indeed:-)
6 Feb, 2009
Beautiful photo! Love all the butterflies! Is this in your back yard?
Coastal California from Monterey (Pacific Grove) to San Diego - Monarch Butterflies come from all over the U.S. to spend the Winter in the trees (Eucalyptus and Monterey Pines) there's several hundred thousand. It is an amazing sight!
7 Feb, 2009
I hope you cut your budliea down every year.
8 Feb, 2009
I see 23
8 Feb, 2009
Yes this is 1of the 1st Buddejas i planted in my garden Delonix & i cut it back in the Spring Toto so it will bush&have even more flowers this yr ;) 23 ! Well Done Norfolk as i only Put20 Butterfllies on lol
9 Feb, 2009
I'll have some of whatever Norfolk's on.
9 Feb, 2009
Me 2 Please :)
9 Feb, 2009
:-))) top left corner of the photo where the three small butterflies are flying in, above there I see 3 tiny dots which I considered to be your trick butterflies thought perhaps you were testing our eyesight too :-))))
9 Feb, 2009
Yes i know about those 8 up there Norfolk ! But where are the other 3 u see that i dont? :D
9 Feb, 2009
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Gorgeous picture - Harmony in Blue and White. My two favourite colours. Really tall budliea. Went cross-eyed trying to count butterflies.
2 Feb, 2009