self portrate update
By Noseypotter

3 Feb, 2009
ive put a bit more shade in .i found some white.looing at it i mite just finish it as flames or pentangle.i think it kind of sais everything i want it to .what do you think ?
Comments on this photo
aye NP , i think you should leave it as it is without the flames and pentangle
3 Feb, 2009
Yes ...leave it as it is Leigh ,It,s brilliant , I think it shows you at your lowest , now the only way is UP ... Leave it behind , start on some of the good projects you have lined up .. :o)
3 Feb, 2009
ok ill go with you though its still got to be finished.ive only put the basics in looks ok if you squint or stand back lol.bring on that koi carp lol thanx a lot bye the way
3 Feb, 2009
Your real eyes are kind and friendly.
You've drawn the eyes a bit too cross.
Otherwise a very good drawing.:o)
3 Feb, 2009
the sadness is only on the serface me thinks. you'll soon be back to your old self. i realy love the picture, :-))
3 Feb, 2009
Yes, I love the picture.
But NP has very kind eyes, even when he is sad. :o)
I'm sure he'll be perkier soon.
Noseypotter ~
Have you looked at my Winter Wellie blog lately ?
Someone has crept in, very close to the shortbread biscuits. Lol.
3 Feb, 2009
i wonder who that could be lol and lets hope so
3 Feb, 2009
Dear Leigh!
Born the same year as you, but Thank .........(whoever) I don't look a day over 35 now at the approachng end of a tunnel, LOL! (I wish!!)!.
4 Feb, 2009
wow thats strange dave i dont look a day over 25 odd the way life treats us isnt it lol
4 Feb, 2009
I think you have captured your mood quite well... a bit of moodiness in the eyes yet a knowing smirk in the mouth..saying how you really feel...Flames might take away from the real flames in your eyes there. Good job ...your putting your mood, thoughts and emotions in your work this know see potraits like this every so often...we are privileged here on GOY to get your feelings going along with it as you are doing this... Thanks...NP
4 Feb, 2009
no thank you catfinch i believe your right
4 Feb, 2009
ill do a blog when im done if ya want not strictly gardening
4 Feb, 2009
Of the process of your self portrait and your feelings as you developed it?
...An artistic gardeners mind on a blog? Perfect...
4 Feb, 2009
Sounds like a good blog, doesn't it Cat.
Maybe, NP, put a comment on this thread, please, when you've made the blog, so that we don't miss it. Thanks. :o)
4 Feb, 2009
Yes..TT...I think many of us could relate to NP's feelings and emotions. As we garden don't we feel and comfort ouselves through life...? It makes me wonder, what would our own self portraits look like over our lives in our gardens...?
4 Feb, 2009
Exactly, Cat ~
That's very observant of you. :o)
We can think back over different gardens where we've worked ~ the emotions and life-changes we were experiencing at those times. The pets which enjoyed each summer with us.....
4 Feb, 2009
I don,t believe I could face some of the emotions in my various different gardens again , I dread to think what my self portaits would be like thank you i,m staying right here .. for now ...
4 Feb, 2009
so yes then lol your right im a gardener thats the relevent bit you saved me lol.i wear my heart on my sleave amy .im honest to the point of know most people cant handle the for the thread ill try and remember wear i left it.i got a brain like a sieve with things like that.anyway thank you you help me a lot and i value your opinion it spurs me not gonna do the flames etc cat is right x
4 Feb, 2009
We will all help you remember..this part looking forward to your blog ...!
4 Feb, 2009
cool thanx again shouldnt be long now
4 Feb, 2009
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thats better i look real on a scruffy git lol
3 Feb, 2009