Great Tit
By Deida51

7 Feb, 2009
Always on the alert
Comments on this photo
Yes Janey,so do I, more so in spring when they are looking for a mate..
7 Feb, 2009
This is a great close up Deida....a regular visitor ?
7 Feb, 2009
Yes BB ..they bred last year god bless them..and this might be one of the offspring
7 Feb, 2009
Nice that the young stayed close...they know when theyre well off lol !
7 Feb, 2009
Good picture.
Well done, Deida :o)
7 Feb, 2009
Great photo - certainly looks very perky, bless him.
7 Feb, 2009
Had one Great Tit interested in the bird box today..fingers crossed
Thanks TT
7 Feb, 2009
Thanks Gee..they are very perky,,
7 Feb, 2009
Great shot, I love this stance!
7 Feb, 2009
These Birds are never still,always on the alert..I was lucky to get this shot
thanks Greenthumb
7 Feb, 2009
Fantastic photo Deida. I hope you get them in your bird box.
8 Feb, 2009
Great photo Deida.....
8 Feb, 2009
Thanks Gilli /Janette
8 Feb, 2009
Fab Shot Deida :)
9 Feb, 2009
What a lovely clear photo. Its wonderful to see the markings so close up, thanks for sharing!
12 Feb, 2009
Thanks Dawnsaunt
12 Feb, 2009
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Lovely Great tit,...... love to hear their call........
7 Feb, 2009