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My daughter's orchid - she's not getting it back!

My daughter's orchid - she's not getting it back! (Phalaenopsis)

She was given this as a thank you present - but she is hopeless with plants and I found it half-dead. It came home with me and I am delighted that it has recovered and is flowering again!

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Beautiful flower - good job you saved it.

7 Feb, 2009


Good for you Spritz....I wouldnt give it back either its a beauty...........

7 Feb, 2009


Wow, this one is a great color, the veining in the petals is fantastic!

7 Feb, 2009


That is beautiful , it,s found a good home Spritz !

7 Feb, 2009


Thanks! I do try to educate her into how to care for houseplants, but this poor orchid was left in full sun and was completely floppy. I really HAD to rescue it - and I bet she hasn't even missed it - she certainly hasn't enquired about its welfare!

7 Feb, 2009


Clever you, not too good on the orchid front.....have tried, kill more than I keep, so have given up now!!

8 Feb, 2009


Beautiful Phalae. But I'm bias of love orchids..good job :)

8 Feb, 2009


Beautiful Phalae. But I'm bias of love orchids..good job :)

8 Feb, 2009


Lovely orchid Spritz. Good for you for nursing it back to health.
I just brought my Mum's orchid home to nurse. Her's was almost dead too. I hope I have as much success.

8 Feb, 2009


well done Spritz a lovely one to say the least.

8 Feb, 2009


Beautiful orchid Spritz ,lucky you were on hand to save this beauty.....

8 Feb, 2009


Does she know she's not getting it back? Perhaps you could give her an artificial one in it's place.

8 Feb, 2009


Noooo you can't do that Wagger, the artifical ones are horid. how about a sansevieria they take any kind of treatment ok not as stunning as an orchid, but they do flower every so often.

8 Feb, 2009


Isn't that the one called 'Mother-in-Law's Tongue', Angie? I simply can't give her one of those - my son-in-law would think it was a HUGE joke!
I would never hear the last of it!

I do grow some Coleus plants each year and take her one or two - she can usually cope with those, although the last one, she forgot to pinch out the flower buds so it has huge flowers all over it! She was a bit shame-faced about that.

8 Feb, 2009


Well Done Spritz u truely have A Green Finger :)XXX

9 Feb, 2009


Well done! This one is very similar to mine except for those soft pink veins in the petals :-)

9 Feb, 2009


I love Phalaenopsis Orchids .I have one called Ben's Girl it is very similar to the one pictured.

30 Oct, 2009


I've never been able to name any of mine! Did yours come with a label, Pitta?

30 Oct, 2009

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