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Cornus sericea 'Cardinal'

Cornus sericea 'Cardinal' (Cornus sericea 'Cardinal')

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Has the water gone down Spritz , are you putting them in ? the stalks are a lovely red ........

11 Feb, 2009


Yes, the water has dropped by about 8". BUT the hole was almost full of silt, and was VERY squelchy when I stuck my fork in, so I have filled it up with compost and I'll have to wait a while before I actually plant them. I put the pots on to check the spacing. I reckon they'll look good there, don't you?

11 Feb, 2009


They look lovely, Spritz. Glad your water problems have diminished.

11 Feb, 2009


GREAT relief, Gee. Have you seen the photo I took especially for you yet? I lay down on the ground...

11 Feb, 2009


Lovely combo Spritz, and glad to hear the panic is over with the streem. i think they will look stunning.

12 Feb, 2009 long as the grasses don't try to smother them! You should see the grass roots! Thick, white, very deep and not able to pull them out. I dug out as many as I could, but they are bound to return!

12 Feb, 2009


from what i have read about Cornus, they don't have a problem holding there own, i should imagine they'll be fine :-)

12 Feb, 2009


i love plants with coloured stems...

24 Feb, 2009


wow spritz they look fantastic do they stay that colour for the winter?

4 Mar, 2009


Yes - you cut the stems back each year in the spring, and they grow back in time for the winter!

4 Mar, 2009


methinks me found a new addition to my list...

4 Mar, 2009

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This photo is of "Cornus sericea 'Cardinal'" in Spritzhenry's garden

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