The Birds .
By Bonkersbon

15 Feb, 2009
Waiting for us to finish gardening before returning
Comments on this photo
Theyre our flock of starlings Gee..imagine what its like when they all descend !
15 Feb, 2009
Wow! Glad i only get 10/12 Starlings come 2 feed in my garden :)
15 Feb, 2009
It,s like a scene from Alfred Hitchcocks !
15 Feb, 2009
Jacque...was thinking of asking you to count them,but then thought How long have you got ! Lol
15 Feb, 2009
I did start 2 but lost count after 115 lol :)
15 Feb, 2009
LOL Jacque...Amy it is but somehow they dont scare us...until we see the food bill LOL
15 Feb, 2009
I feel guilty when we're gardening as it upsets the birds - whose garden is it anyway??
15 Feb, 2009
Im the same Dawn i wont go outside some times cos i dont want2scare the birds away when their eatting lol :)
15 Feb, 2009
LOL,you two...Jane here..Ray sometimes says we need something from the shop so I say you cant go out now..theyre all feeding LOL
15 Feb, 2009
LOL what r we Like lol :)
15 Feb, 2009
wow loads of birds there
15 Feb, 2009
Looks like "The Birds" BB....they are waiting for you lol Just read the title......durr!
15 Feb, 2009
Yep, What are we like. I have a little bag of meal worms and sultanas in my pocket now in the case robin appears when I'm about, just loooove them :-)
15 Feb, 2009
Yes Eileen and Janey...spoky..not forgetting the rooks and bats too.These are only the starlings !
15 Feb, 2009 careful when its time to wash your clothes...times theres peanuts and seeds caught up in the washing machine !¬ Lol
15 Feb, 2009
Got 2 be better than Tissue paper lol ,I pick that off my clothes for wks when that happens lol :)
15 Feb, 2009
15 Feb, 2009
Thanks BB, I'll try and remember - hate the tissue in the wash Jacque - what about the black sock with the Whites!
16 Feb, 2009
Not done that 1 yet Dawn Iv done Red Sock in Whites :/ lol
16 Feb, 2009
So everything pretty in pink then Jacque ! Lol
16 Feb, 2009
Try Telling My19 yr old Son Pinks Pretty lol :)
16 Feb, 2009
This will make you laugh, my sister picked a whole toilet roll up with a pile of dirty washing once - and washed it.
16 Feb, 2009
OMG..what a mess Dawn..!
16 Feb, 2009
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What a lot of patient watchers.
15 Feb, 2009