5 Of My 8 Fish Having Supper :)
By Jacque

24 Feb, 2009
Comments on this photo
Thanx Gee shes the Only 1 with a tail like that :)
24 Feb, 2009
great to see them all lively again after the winter
24 Feb, 2009
Hi Eileen yes its great 2 see them again,They only started to feed last wk :)
24 Feb, 2009
Hi Jacque do you think i should start feeding mine now...........
24 Feb, 2009
Are they Up& About Holly? If so then yes because its getting milder theyl be wanting some food as their useing Energy again :)
24 Feb, 2009
They have been swimming about for some time now.. I will try them with some food tomorrow....
24 Feb, 2009
Im sure theyl eat it all up Holly if theyv been about a little while now :) Its good not 2 over feed fish sadly thats the Biggest Killer :/
24 Feb, 2009
Were the other 3 not invited then Jacque ?
24 Feb, 2009
They were hidding :)
24 Feb, 2009
Nice selection Jacque..
24 Feb, 2009
Thanx Deida iv 3 different breeds of fish in there :) Comets,Shubukins & Cold Water Fantails :)
24 Feb, 2009
Usually start feeding again when the weather is over 10 degrees C / 50 degrees F. Ours are thriving very well.
24 Feb, 2009
Pretty fish Jacque...
24 Feb, 2009
Plezd u like them Janette had the 2 Coloured 1s & Orange 1 just a yr & all the Others 9/10yr this yr :)
24 Feb, 2009
The water looks beautiifully clear Jacque..have you pond plants in there too ?
24 Feb, 2009
Yes iv a few Pond Plants Jane /Ray But My Pond Pump& Bio/Filter does all the Hard work:) Best thing i did last yr was adding 1 to my pond its so clear&the Fish seem much happeir & So am i cos i can enjoying watching them from My Bench :)
24 Feb, 2009
Going to put in our pump and get the fountain trickle working at Easter Jacque,but we put in some pond weed last year and it has spread like mad.Guess the ducks will soon be making short work of it Lol
24 Feb, 2009
Im sure theyl enjoy that Jane /Ray :) Iv also a Fresh Water Mussle in My Pond somewhere ? I guess its getting quite big now ?il check on it tomorw as iv to clean bottom of Pond & Filter :) Bbbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrr My Arm is going to frez being in there :/ lol
24 Feb, 2009
Will be thinking of your arm tomorrow ! Lol
24 Feb, 2009
Im Thinking of My Arm Now Jane/Ray cos i wont be able to 2 morw itl be 2 cold to feel it lol :)
24 Feb, 2009
What lovely fish you have, how do you keep the cats away from them, I have only got Freddie and have to net the pond which looks so ugly. Your water also looks very clear whereas mine is disgusting!!!
24 Feb, 2009
Thanx Dotty My Cats dont bother with them @ all & i get a cat come visit for Food & he dont bother either ? My Water was like that 2 Dotty so i invested in a Bio/Filter it stops Algae Spores Growing which make the Water Green :/
24 Feb, 2009
Yes they had their breakfast today Jacque......
25 Feb, 2009
Well as i,m a day late your arm must have done it,s work by now , have you warmed it up again ..I hope you found the water mussell o.k Jacque ..LOL ..
25 Feb, 2009
Found Mussle ok he/she was under some Pond Weed Dont Know if its alive or Dead yet though? soon know when weathers warmer itl be out&about Amy,Waters not so clear now iv stirred it by removing Leafs ect il do the Filter 2morw now as itl filter out most of the nasty stuff iv desturbed :)
25 Feb, 2009
Our fish are moving about more now but still feeding at bottom ,however the frogs are back in water now so fish will be eating frog spawn soon.......
25 Feb, 2009
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The light coloured one has a beautiful tail.
24 Feb, 2009