My Woodpecker
By Jacque

25 Feb, 2009
Not 1 of my Best Pics But u can see Him/Her Eatting from Yet a Nother New Feeder :)
Comments on this photo
Hi Toto the Woodpeckers been b4 many times but not on a daily basis like your Bruvs ,I brought a long Peanut Feeder for him last wk as the 1 i had was very Short & falling apart due to its age & being wooden :)
25 Feb, 2009
Good to know he's a regular, if not a daily visitor. Bet he comes more often now that you've treated him to a new feeder. I'd love to see them in my garden but never have in all the years I've lived here. It's a real priviledge to have any kind of bird or animal visit though so we count our blessings with all the other visitors we do get.
25 Feb, 2009
It's good that you have this Greater Spotted Woodpecker visiting.
I've seen one on my feeder only once in a rural garden where I used to live.
Is it the peanuts he likes best ?
25 Feb, 2009
In the Morning Toto i can hear Woodpeckers taping the Trees which grow around My Housing Esate their so Loud :) Iv heard Owls late@ nite to :) I think they like Peanuts Nuts Best TT apart from their Bugs which they catch in the Bark ect :)
25 Feb, 2009
Nice to see Mr Woodpecker, I've only seen 1 robin so far today:o(
25 Feb, 2009
Im sure there`l be more l8r on in the day :) Is it raining Where u r as Birds not 2 keen on the Rain :/
25 Feb, 2009
Thats great jacque......your lucky to get so many birds in your garden... i dont get to many living near to the sea....
25 Feb, 2009
Lucky you Jacque , we know there is one nearby , Tony can hear him tapping in the trees , I wish it would come here .. .......
25 Feb, 2009
Wow Jacque you lucky thing, good fortune must smile on you,
25 Feb, 2009
Do Sea Towns get less Birds Then Holly? He`s been visiting for a little while now Amy/FF dont see him every day but its great when i do get2see him :)
25 Feb, 2009
Lovely photo, Jacque and a beautiful bird. We have one around here but not sure whether it is a greater or a lesser! I hear it tapping away in the mornings and when its disturbed it makes a terrible racket :)
25 Feb, 2009
Thanx Gee their lovely 2 listen2 are`nt they :)Id not seen 1 b4 i had my garden Gee & made it Bird/Wildlife Friendly :)Now iv seen lots of Things even had Hedgehogs come eat from my Back Door :)
25 Feb, 2009
Can I see another little bird sitting above the woodpecker?
25 Feb, 2009
Not Sure Gee i didnt notice 1 when i took the pic :)
25 Feb, 2009
I've only ever seen one of these, back in Kent - but we do get visits from a pair of green woodpeckers. Not on the feeders, they peck around on the grass. I think they like ants, don't they?
25 Feb, 2009
Glad your woodpecker is still visiting Jacque...not seen ours for a few weeks now but that happened once before...disappeared for weeks then suddenly reappeared again!
25 Feb, 2009
You are obviously doing the right things Jacque..........
25 Feb, 2009
Your Green Woodpeckers sound Pretty Spritz :) I know what u mean BB about them disappearing from time 2 time this is 1st time iv seen him/her in wks? I feel very lucky 2 be honest Lin iv never been blessed with so much wildlife & iv always loved it :)
25 Feb, 2009
Wow...lucky you Jacque,,,he's a wonderful sight to see!.............
25 Feb, 2009
Lucky you I have never seen a Woodpecker at any of my feeders.....
26 Feb, 2009
We have regular visits from them Jacque, mine go for the fat balls first! Love to hear them too. If any of our trees die (which some have on the boundary due to the last 2 years of wet weather) we leave them for the wildlife - do the woodpeckers only peck dead trees?
26 Feb, 2009
Thanx Janey /Janette all i need now is 4 My Robins 2come back & maybe a few Sparrows 2 complete my Bird Collection:) My Woodpecker just eats Nuts Dawn? The Starlings , Blue/Great Tits like the Fat Ball Hanger Best :)
26 Feb, 2009
I hope you get some robins back Jacque. The tame one that I feed in the morning had a friend waiting in the bush behind him today, so fingers crossed they will nest :-) I would like some sparrows too, Eileen said she'd have a word with her's to see if they'll come over, lol.
26 Feb, 2009
Yes Jacque.. i live on an estate 2 mins from the beach.. we dont have a lot of trees here... but ive done a lot to encourage the wildlife, like you have . We dont even seem to have many Gulls around these days..... i have my regular Thrushes Blackbirds pigeons dunnock wren..... and others in mother lives a bit further in and she has a lot more birds....
27 Feb, 2009
Lucky you! I had one visiting a couple of years back but none since, although when I take Polly for her walk along the bridle path I can hear one drumming away but can never actrually spot him!
27 Feb, 2009
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This photo is of "Birds That Visit Me" in Jacque's garden
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He's beautiful Jacque. A Greater Spotted Woodpecker. My brother who lives about 8 miles from Dover gets visits avery day from Greater Spotted Woodpeckers, so with luck he will keep coming back to you now that he has found your nut feeder.
25 Feb, 2009