Charlie often brings his son Freddy with him for breakfast
By Amy

1 Mar, 2009
Comments on this photo
I didn,t think they would be very good because they were all taken through the window TT usually I get that shine back from the glass that spoils them ....
1 Mar, 2009
Brill photo
1 Mar, 2009
Amy ~
you must have VERY clean windows ! Lol.
1 Mar, 2009
That's lovely Amy...Father and Son!! :o)
1 Mar, 2009
TT the window cleaner came last week ... LOL ... this is the first time ever that I have had one , and oh what a relief it is to know they will be done each month :o)
1 Mar, 2009
Great photo their markings !
1 Mar, 2009
The markings are much larger on the young one , it will be interesting to see if they change as it ages BB !
1 Mar, 2009
aww lovely Amy
2 Mar, 2009
~fantastic!~ Amy added to favourites!
2 Mar, 2009
I get 1 male, early morning for his breakfast. I used to get several but they hold shoots here.....
Hope he finds a mate and I get a family come, like previous years.
2 Mar, 2009
Oh NO .. don,t mention the word .. Shoot .. here we can hear them in the distance , we are always telling Charlie to keep out of their way LOL .
Thanks Arlene :o)
2 Mar, 2009
I hate it too Amy, I have had some distinctive birds here over the years, and then they disappear. How people can rear these creatures then watch them shot is beyond me.I have spoken out against them doing it but they have no conscience, the money that is paid 'per gun' is far more attractive to them.
2 Mar, 2009
You are right there PG , it,s not even sport the pheasants are so tame , they wander about like chickens !
2 Mar, 2009
These birds like to play 'Chicken' around my way, I have avoided hitting one yet.
4 Mar, 2009
They haven,t got any road sense have they Ams , I,ve lost count of all the squashed ones iv,e seen ,i,m always pleased to see my two still here !
4 Mar, 2009
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Amy ~ Your bird photos are excellent.
Well done with Freddy and Charlie.
Good pic. :o)
1 Mar, 2009