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New planting

New planting

You can see how big the area is!

Comments on this photo


This looks So Pretty with all the Hellebores :)

1 Mar, 2009


Thanks, Jacque. I mustn't be tempted to buy any more! I have to try to plant for summer and autumn as well, now.

1 Mar, 2009


They do look lovely there!

1 Mar, 2009


I was wondering what you had coming next , is that another job on the .. to do .. list !

2 Mar, 2009


Now you know what I've been up to, Amy! Did you read my blog on all the work that went into this area?

2 Mar, 2009


Lucky you Spritz! Wish I had this amount of room to fill with lovely hellebores-they look gorgeous!

3 Mar, 2009


Looking good..all that hard work paid off :-)

3 Mar, 2009


I got a few more today! Dicentra (pink and white), two more ferns and a small Geranium macrorrhizum. I've still got to split off some of my Aconitum for the back by the fence - but no hope of gardening today - or the rest of the week, probably. :-(

3 Mar, 2009


That is so lovely. I haven't got into the habit of checking new photographs and so suddenly there are lots to view. Fabulous.

4 Mar, 2009


Thanks, Ginellie. I did get more planting done this afternoon - after the snow stopped!! So the plants I got are now in.

4 Mar, 2009


This area look wonderful and natural.

11 Mar, 2009

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