Daffadiles Opening In Wild Long Grass Area
By Jacque

9 Mar, 2009
In amougst this Grassed Area iv Planted a Good 40/50 Baby Oxeye Daisy Plants so itl be full of them come Summer Time :)
Comments on this photo
Me To Deida Im Hopeing the Flaunders Red Poppies will show their faces to that i sowed here back in September? :)
9 Mar, 2009
I'm sure it will look beautiful. I look forward to seeing your pics when it is all in bloom.
9 Mar, 2009
After all your hard work Jacque it,s coming to life , how rewarding is that .
I can,t wait to see what else comes up :o)
9 Mar, 2009
Thanx Toto&Amy :) O i forgot to say Iv seen Lots&Lots of Forget-me-nots Seedlings amoungst The Daffs here 2 :) Im really really looking Forward to those Flowering & The Red Tulips that grow just in front of the Laurels :)
9 Mar, 2009
Its going to look so good Jacque. I can't wait to see your pics.
10 Mar, 2009
Thanx Gilli il Defantly Post some Pics 4 all to see when i Full Bloom :)
10 Mar, 2009
looking forward to seeing the oxeye daisies too Jacque!It already looks stunning !
10 Mar, 2009
Thanx Jane/Ray it seems us gardeners are always waiting for the next Flower Opening b4 the Old 1s have even dissapeared dont u think? :)
10 Mar, 2009
Think its just everyone desperate to see spring this year Jacque,after all that harsh weather we all had to cope with.The birds are singing their hearts out too !
10 Mar, 2009
Ooooooooo dont they sound Lovely :) I hear them Morning &nite & Love it,I Sit on The Old Plank Seat& listen to them when i take Summer to Bottom Of Garden if its not 2 wet /cold :)
10 Mar, 2009
No sound to match it Jacque ! : )
10 Mar, 2009
:) R ur Ducks still with U Jane/Ray? Any Eggs yet ? OOOoooo id be so excited if they lived in My Garden for the Breeding :)
10 Mar, 2009
Both settled in and acting as if they own the garden ! Jacque,today she was poking about in the undergrowth where the nettles are,while he stood guard 1Think she was checking out her potential nesting area.Fingers crossed !
10 Mar, 2009
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looking forward to Summer Time..
9 Mar, 2009