December sunshine

12 Mar, 2009
My single raised bed is the main feature of the patio garden of my flat. Even in mid-winter I try to make it beautiful,- with decorative objects such as pumpkins, turnips and apples, because they add much needed elements of colour at a time of year when flowers are few. In fact, the garden is in some ways at its very most beautiful of all when 'little gems' are on show amongst all the bleakness of winter.
"And I'm trying and trying to squeeze from earth's sods,
Little bloomings, violas, from reluctant cold pods.
And their tiny damp faces unfurl petals few,
Smiling at me dim traces of colours in view.
Oh, bloom for me, bloom for me,
Mini garden of mine,
Defy laws of nature at this time of decline". (me).
Comments on this photo
You are right, they do add a lot of color and interest. It really looks good. Very novel idea!
12 Mar, 2009
Last year I grew some Violas from the seeds of purple and lavender ones I had, and this year I have every range of blue through to pinky cream, they are amazing with those little faces smiling up at you........
14 Apr, 2009
For winter you have a fabulous show there. Here in Hungary we don't see much life only snow or frozen ground.
15 Apr, 2009
Certainly is colourful and well thought out too, I too am in a wheelchair but I have not always been in one, I have my 3 yr old grand daughter living with me and teach her gardening she loves watering. Last year she planted her own strawberries they are comming on a treat and her little face brightens my life up now she has planted a few sunflowers, wait till she sees them how big they grow they are in pots at the moment. Varigated leaves also ones that are varigated with red for winter bring colour too and winter pansys which from a child seeing them in my granchers garden inspired me to garden .
10 Jun, 2009
I really like your ideas for winter garden this is the time of year I struggle with dark evenings and no colour in the garden always have huge amounts of tulips in pots and tete a tete first sign of spring, New life and warmer days to come!!
How can I make holes in my wellies john? I bought the grit this afternoon and more tulips!!! to put in the wellies.
6 Nov, 2010
I would use an awl. Tulips will look nice in them., but perhaps a bit tall and might cause your boots to topple even more. Perhaps some shorter stemmed bulbs?
12 Nov, 2010
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WOW! it is gorgeous........
12 Mar, 2009