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My Upper Window

My Upper Window

I had a freind who does stained glass who made this star for me, used to be a nickname of mine. She has passed from brain cancer. I hang this star in remembrance of her and the light she always was even in those dark hours.

Comments on this photo


It is lovely.

22 Mar, 2009


A lovely remembrance of your friend GT. It's beautiful.

22 Mar, 2009


Lovely star to remember your friend.

22 Mar, 2009


Its a lovely star Greenthumb and such a nice memory of your friend ....

22 Mar, 2009


memories are so precious...;-))

22 Mar, 2009


A star to remember. Thanks for your wonderful comments.

22 Mar, 2009


Wonderful Gt....she is still shining brightly..........

22 Mar, 2009


A beautiful star and a lovely way to remember someone special.

22 Mar, 2009


There is no darkness so thick that it cannot be broken with a smile and a wish.

22 Mar, 2009


That's a nice way of remembering - so sad and yet so nice.

23 Mar, 2009


Life is done from these little gifts... which turn bright for the kindness they have in itself.
Some people are like planets... using someone's else light... and some people are stars... your friend is a star...she has her own bright, wherever she is ...

24 Mar, 2009


I am fond of remembrances, and this reminds me of her gift to me like what you are saying Aleyna. I was nickname star for a while for lighting things up. Reminds me when I get in a rut to lighten up. Enjoy the things I can now. :-)

24 Mar, 2009


How lovely - you never forget a friend

31 Mar, 2009


how sad, something to remind you though!

5 Apr, 2009


Thank you for the comments. :-)

6 Apr, 2009

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