For Adam...."Stick marks the spot"
By Milky

23 Mar, 2009
In between the Hydrangea and the Rose.................
Comments on this photo
He he .......Adam and I are having a Sunflower challenge. We both planted yesterday straight into soil. This is just to prove where mine is....He is going to post a pic later......Your seeds Toto and sitting nicely in the greenhouse................
23 Mar, 2009
I sowed a few myself yesterday. Don't know what I will do with them if and when they grow. Hopefully give them to someone I suppose.
23 Mar, 2009
Well I am sure someone will love them...I have sent you some seeds today.....Mimosa Pudica......Im sure you will like them. yeh yeh yeh I know you said no ............he he he
23 Mar, 2009
I,ve put some in pots Milky , I will watch yours with interest :o)
23 Mar, 2009
It's a 'watch this space' then Milky! :)
23 Mar, 2009
Thanks Milky. I cant remember if you wanted any of my Callistemon seeds. I put some in last week and they are just beginning to show. Let me know if you do.
23 Mar, 2009
Thanks Toto, maybe later. I have 3 now, and I know 1 is yellow, so I will see what the other 2 turn out like 1st, but I will bear it in mind...........
23 Mar, 2009
Lovey stick must be very proud.....hee hee hee! I hope your sunflowers all grow enormously......I haven't put mine in least another month before I do that... :o)
24 Mar, 2009
I dont usually do it this early either Gilli.but these have been sown strainght in the ground , which I have not done my little adeniums are getting their 1st true leaves and all is looking this sunflower better be like Jack and the Beanstalk he he he
24 Mar, 2009
Hoping your stick hasn't blown over in the strong winds this week.....
26 Mar, 2009
No TT I have stuck it in pretty well ha ha ha.............Terrible these winds aren't they. I keep going in the greenhouse for a warm up............
26 Mar, 2009
I have to stand outside in the storms, supervising Truffle the puppy. Lol.
Shivery, shivery......
26 Mar, 2009
Poor you ha ha ha........Pile on the fleeces TT.....thats what I do out there at the moment,,,,,,,,,,
26 Mar, 2009
Truffle is getting the idea....
....I'm finding many times I can now issue instructions and then stand at the kitchen door.......
26 Mar, 2009
Im sure he is TT....puppies are just like children and men. he he he Issue the command often enough and eventually it sinks in...........but as you well know they never totally grow up.........
26 Mar, 2009
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Nice stick. Where did you get the seeds?
23 Mar, 2009