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Omphalodes 'Starry Eyes'

Omphalodes 'Starry Eyes' (Omphalodes cappadocica (Navelwort))

Not very happy where it is - I shall have to move it.

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I'm going to start a 'plants that I want ' book like you Spritzhenry, and this will be one of the first to go in it. I had a stripey one once - very pretty.

24 Mar, 2009


Nice one - nearest plant I've found that reads like "Oompaloompas. :-)

24 Mar, 2009


how sweet, lovely delecate little flowers

25 Mar, 2009


Oh David. Shame on you! Oompa-loompas indeed. I shall go and apologise to it at once!

I have another Omphalodes which has bright, bright blue flowers from now for quite a long time. Another shade lover, though.
O.cappadocica 'Cherry Ingram'. First flower now out, I'm just waiting for a few more before I post a photo.

Hywel, this is meant to have a middle 'eye' but it hasn't this year, and the plant is not growing well. It's too dry where it is. I shall move it into the woodland soon, with lots of leafmould.

25 Mar, 2009


Spritz...if I put a pic of my plant on would you let me know if its this one or Brunnera? Mine is in the sun and will be flowering all summer.

25 Mar, 2009


If it's in the sun, it probably won't be Omphalodes, Janey,as they like shady places and flower in the spring to early summer. However, yes of course I will. :-) Tell me how big it it as well, won't you.

25 Mar, 2009

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This photo is of "Omphalodes 'Starry Eyes'" in Spritzhenry's garden

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