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Blue stuff


By Tosh

Blue stuff

Did ask what this crop was but have forgotten the answer! It was spectacular though - I photographed it every day for about a week trying to do it justice.

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fantastic..spectacular indeed

25 Mar, 2009


A beautiful photograph, such a pity you did not take one close up of the flowers and leaves, we would have a better chance of identifying it. It looks as though it could be of the legume family, Sainfoin or lucern, grown for cattle feed. the only thing is they are usually more purply pink but photograph colours often decieve. hope you find the true name, sorry I cannot be more helpful.

25 Mar, 2009


Up close it looks very like statice (don't know if thats the right spelling) Telme, and I'll probably remember what it's called at 4 in the morning! The colour did change too - hence taking so many photos of it - it started as a pale blue and matured into a deep purple but there were several colours in the field, white, pink and a variety of blues and purples.

25 Mar, 2009


Can't tell for sure, but looks like lupin :)

25 Mar, 2009


beautiful photo

26 Mar, 2009


If you remember it's name will you let us know please ?

26 Mar, 2009


Will do, Hywel - unfortunately 4 in the morning didn't do it's thing for me, but I'll get thinking. Sure its not that complicated - it's kinda on the tip of my tongue! Aaargh!

26 Mar, 2009


Where was this photo taken ?
Only blue flowered crop which comes to mind that you might see in Essex is the plant which is used to make linseed oil, but it doesn't look quite like that.

26 Mar, 2009


What a Stunning Field :) welcome to GOY :)

26 Mar, 2009


The crop was near Thaxted - NW Essex - I'm still racking my brain as to what it was...... you'll all have lost interest before I remember!!

26 Mar, 2009



It looks like Echium vulgare(vipers bugloss) to me.
Isn't it UK native plant ?


27 Mar, 2009


Thanks Breeze! Unfortunately, I don't recognise the name, though you could well be right. I have seen the crop around from time to time over the last couple of years but this one was unusual because of all the different colours in it. - By the way, Breeze.....just seen your photos......lovely, lovely, lovely.

27 Mar, 2009


You are so sweet Tosh.(^.^)
Echium vulgare blooms pink and white from time to time.


28 Mar, 2009


Gosh this is just spectacular!! Beautiful.

2 Apr, 2009


The only blue field crops that I know are flax and lupin.

9 Apr, 2009


Breeze, Breeze, Breeze - you're right - BORAGE. I didnt recognise Echium Vulgare!! What an idiot I am - now you know I'm not a real gardnener! Oh shame!

9 Apr, 2009


Why would a farmer grow borage as a field crop? Does it have commercial value?

10 Apr, 2009


I have absolutely no idea! The photo was taken summer before last - They grew peas last year and the same field now has what looks like early wheat in it. I look at it longingly each morning as I pass it on my way to work - but it remains wheat, no matter how hard I wish!

10 Apr, 2009


We get quite a lot of flax grown round here Bulbaholic, and I probably would have thought it was that and not given it a second thought, but for all the other colours that came into play. Every day I drove past, it seemed to take on a different hue. There must have been 4 or 5 colours in there. Heaven knows what it was grown for, but it got loads of attention from the locals - there always seemed to be somebody out there taking a photo of it.

10 Apr, 2009

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