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Jerry has that Spring Feeling

Jerry has that Spring Feeling

What a busy little Dormouse Jerry has been today, think he is in training for Terratoones GOY Olympics, he has been doing 6 second circuits in and out the rockery collecting nuts for a spring feast and building up his stamina.

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Perhaps Jerry is really Jermima and has a little family tucked away?

29 Mar, 2009


I've not seen a dormouse before.......isnt it cute..........

29 Mar, 2009


LOL Gee, you could be right, if so its no wonder he/she has been so busy!

Milky if you look on page three of my photos you will see more of Jerry Oops Jermima, lovely little creatures.

29 Mar, 2009


Aawwwwwwww He/she is very very Cute PP :)

29 Mar, 2009


aww lovely photo

29 Mar, 2009


Jerry is a valuable team member.
He's competing in all kinds of nutty events.
He can be our mascot for the GoY Summer Wellie Olympics :o)
Cute pic. I've put it on my favourites.

30 Mar, 2009


Thanks all! He/She makes addict watching!

30 Mar, 2009


He is so cute , he might bring a family out one day , wouldn,t that be something :o)

1 Apr, 2009

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