Great News (update on Blue Tits)
By Deida51

3 Apr, 2009
just look at her..struggling to get through the hole..
Comments on this photo
Fab. photo :o)
3 Apr, 2009
Certainly building in earnest now Deida.Well captured !
3 Apr, 2009
thanks Irish and TT..amased this pic turned out ok ,I was that excited
3 Apr, 2009
Thanks BB..hope for the best
3 Apr, 2009
Great photo Deida....
3 Apr, 2009
Brilliant photo - looks like she's building a king size bed!
3 Apr, 2009
Thanks Janette
Gee. King size bed.............any more input and she will be sitting on a throne enjoying the garden view (lol)
4 Apr, 2009
The chicks will be very comfy!
5 Apr, 2009
I'm sure they will Dawn..and she is still building
6 Apr, 2009
Bless them, they must be exhausted!
8 Apr, 2009
latest new....sparrows are going mad ,pecked all my primulas flowers, garden just looks after a wedding...kept a few fatballs for the blue tits but no chance the sparrows are getting agressive, even amongst themselfes
8 Apr, 2009
The naughty sparrows - wonder why they've done that, I think you need to have words with them!
9 Apr, 2009
Hi Deida.....our birds also helping themselves...but put out a pile of moss from scarifying lawn,and mainly plundering that [and the moss off our cottage roof ].Have lost a few primrose petals too !
Our sparrows also getting aggressive,but not as bad as the blackbirds !
9 Apr, 2009
Thanks Mr.and Mrs BB..great to see you back..hope everything is ok now..
I love the birds but this was a bit upsetting ,naughty sparrows..
9 Apr, 2009
Seen the first Swallow last thursday.9.4.09,a week ealier than last year..
great to see it back.the rest will follow soon
13 Apr, 2009
Thanks Deida...all ok now,hopefully ! No swallows here yet..much too early,but plenty of nesting action.Two pairs of blackbirds,a collared dove sitting and blue tits active around box.Pair of robins but havent located their nest yet !
13 Apr, 2009
fantastic BB do you get a lot of magpies in your garden? we are inundated with them.Collared dove built a nest in the hollytree right against the back door and was sitting on three eggs..magpie got hold of 1 egg and 1 week later killed both chicks..unbelieveable, the Robin has abandont the nest in the pot
what ever tit is doing well still busy building..
15 Apr, 2009
Deida so sorry about the magpies and your collared doves. Little comfort I know but they nest almost all year round and their numbers far outweigh anything taken by predators.
The robin would not abandon young so probably moved before magpie noticed. Hope so - they may still return to you for food.
We live under a large rookery Deida and they will not allow another member of the crow family to roost so no magpies jays etc..sure the other birds must know this as so many nest right below them.
They do not appear phased by rooks at all and eat quite happily with them.
On the odd occassion a Jackdaw calls the attitude changes - that to me suggests that generally rooks pose no threat and the other birds fully aware who does ..sadly they ve learnt that it often includes us !
15 Apr, 2009
Oh dear Deida, what a shame, nature is so cruel. We get quite a few magpies around, they seem to appear for a while but then move on. Shame we have them at all as they are non-native :-(
15 Apr, 2009
Thanks BB..very interesting..the robin is still active in the garden ,building again, but it looks in neighbours garden..never long the robins are doing ok..
Thanks Dawn,yes nature is cruel,but that is nature..seen a crow today struggling wih a twig,reminded me of your wood pigeon..pic to follow
16 Apr, 2009
I'm pleased the robins are still around and I'll look out for your picture of the crow. :-)
16 Apr, 2009
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aw great shot Deida
3 Apr, 2009