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Bulbs (Chionodoxa luciliae (Glory of the snow))

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Such a pretty shade of blue ,I dont have these but a must on my wish list.

6 Apr, 2009


Lovely colour.............

6 Apr, 2009


I have a few of these flowering at this moment on my balcony. Shame is - for such pretty flowers - they have become obscured by the growth of other plants.

6 Apr, 2009


They are so pretty... I wish I had more than this small clump!

7 Apr, 2009


I tried looking for them this morning but found only ONE open flower. :( But after searching through a tangle of leaves I came across a whole load of blue buds just about to open which I'm pretty sure are Glory of the snow.

7 Apr, 2009


These look really happy and healthy, Charlieb. :o)

7 Apr, 2009


Very pretty, will go on my wish list too !

19 Apr, 2009


Once again today I found just ONE flower of Glory-of-the-Snow! I just can't see through the tangle of leaves belonging to Daffodils, Iris (Dutch), as well as some other plants including a Primrose & a Hellebore (Christmas Rose) as well as my Fred Loads rose.

21 Apr, 2009


Hmmm... you might move them after blooming, Balcony, so you can see them better next year. They may bloom better too. : )

21 Apr, 2009


Thanks, Charlie, but it's impossible It would kill my rose & all the other plants in the tub! :( No, I'll have to wait till autumn when everything has died down naturally before attempting to move anything!

23 Apr, 2009

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This photo is of "Bulbs" in Charlieb's garden

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