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Tulipa humilis

Tulipa humilis

Tulipa humilis occurs in eastern Turkey, Iran and surrounding areas. There are many clones of this attractive, low growing tulip available.

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Lovely. I shall get various of these for next year.
Will I do right to plant them later in the autumn ?
Which month would you advise, please and in what conditions ?
Do they like good drainage ?
Presumably full sun ?
Thank you.

10 Apr, 2009


Some people set great store by planting bulbs during specific months. I am not at all sure that we need to be so exact. Bulbs from suppliers tend to be available from August and I will then plant as soon as received and preferably before October. I suppose you could say that September is an optimum month if you wish.
Tulips like a sunny and well drained site so that they can be as dry as it is possible to be in a UK garden.

10 Apr, 2009


Thank you.
I'm putting the tulips of yours that I like on my favs.:o)

10 Apr, 2009


These are lovely and low to the ground

17 Jul, 2009

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